Ashburn _____________________ Ash's eyelids slowly flickered open, grogginess clouding his sight. His head was throbbing, hard, but nothing compared to the pain in his arm and chest. Using his arm that was not in pain he wiped the sleep from his eyes and try to look around him. He tried to sit up, but the second he tried his chest flared angrily and throbbed so hard it brought tears to his eyes. Ash fell back hard and cringed as he waited for the pain to go away, cursing in French loudly. After the pain subsided to a tolerable Ash decided to try and figure out what happened. As he moved his head to take in his surroundings he froze, he didn't know where he was. Heart racing Ash struggled to take in all that he could see. A concrete ceiling, chipping paint, a single light above him (the kind you see in an office but without the case). Ash's gasped breathing became more labored as be fought back panic. He craned his head to the right and saw finally a source of comfort. Placed on a green folding cot beside him was Eric. The comfort soon began to fade as his eyes took in the horrors before his eyes. Eric's shirtless form revealed several ribs jutting from his chest, looking like frightening in some demonic monster. Blood poured from his open wounds onto the floor, mixing with... 'wait mixing with?!' Ash thought in a panic. Eric's blood appeared to be mixing with blood coming from his direction, and he could see blood dripping from the edge of his cot. Adrenalin pumping Ash sat up, the pain dulled by his adrenal secretions. Across from his cot was a wall of mirrors, spider webbed with cracks and dull but still usable. Looking back at him was a sight that drained the blood from his face. His bare chest displayed a large symbol (the size of closed fist) crudely carved into his flesh, and a gaping hole that was bleeding profusely with every breath. His right arm had been clearly shattered, with one bone sticking out so badly only a few inches were in his body. All attempts at staying calm failed as he let out a loud scream that echoed in the tiny room. The terrorized shriek was greatly amplified by the concrete room. All dignity forgone Ash fell back and loudly cried, from both pain and the horror of seeing both him and Eric clearly mangled.