" C-could we, uh... Stop talking for a bit? " Wendel politely but awkwardly said, feeling uncomfortable with having things directly infront of his face, also because he's too sleepy to function. " I'm going to take a nap. Wake me up in an hour. " Wendel said as he yawned. He, again, took note of the newspapers. "How'd she carry that?" He said to himself, almost saying it out loud. He looked around once again, this time taking note of everyone else. It was only at this very moment that he discovered a supposed haven for gifted. Due to sleep deprivation, however, he slumped forward on the counter, asleep. And yes, he feels slightly uncomfortable around people older than him. He's still sitting on a stool, by the way. ( Edit: Made it so that I stopped the conversation because I didn't know I was impeding the plot to progress. My bad. )