[hider=Daniella and Sgos][hider=Appearance][img]http://netraptor.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/640x1024_13353_Jade_2d_fantasy_dragon_cover_novel_woman_girl_picture_image_digital_art.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name[/b]- Daniella Garding [b]Gender[/b]- Female [b]Race[/b]- Human [b]Personality[/b]- A girl that likes to go above and beyond, whether it be to accomplish something, or help someone, she will always be better then excellent. As a very charismatic person, her effort works well with her charisma. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- Has sheathed an incredibly light longsword. [b]Bio/History[/b]- Born in the town of Ironstone, she became good friends with Will, because of their similarity of interests. As she grew up, she became more interested, and delve deeper into the world of dragons. Sneaking off the paths to study them, petting them, and getting to know them. She had a true interest in them, and a true dream for them, and for herself. That dream was soon crushed, by her father. Her mother, was a pure angel. A kind heart, bright eyes, and welcoming arms. While her father on the other hand, had an extremely bad temper, an iron fist, and had a cold heart. Being so self centered he had no time for his family, except to tell them what to do. As a true noble of the kingdom, he hated dragons. When he found out, he soon demolished Daniella's dreams of becoming a tamer. When the raid went down Daniella was knocked unconscious. While Daniella was dazed, her mother was murdered by the muraders, and her father snuck away with the families riches. While part of the village burned, so did part of the surrounding forest, revealing an abandoned egg. Daniella had awoken, and noticed the egg. She then lived a nomadic lifestyle, traveling throughout the woods, trying not to be spotted by people with her dragon. That's when she met a group called the Outsiders. [b]Other[/b]- has a way with dragons. Dragon-[img]http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbseg/1180/1180786-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]- Sgos [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Species[/b]- [b]Personality[/b]- Like most forest dragons, he is calm, kind, and peaceful. Now, since Daniella is his only family, he will do anything to protect her. [b]Powers[/b]- Minor plant manipulation: Can move roots, seeds, trees, or shrubs, to a minor extent. Such as having roots stick up out of the ground. Camouflage: Can camouflage with anything forestial. Such as trees, leaves, and such. [b]Bio/History[/b]- The first thing he saw, was Daniella. She raised him, fed him, and protected him while he was young. When he was young, he and Daniella ran around the forest, played games. He had a happy life, and with Daniella he still does. [b]Other[/b]- nothing yet[/hider] [hider=Jackson Norwary] [b]Appearance[/b]- [img]http://oyster.ignimgs.com/wordpress/www.ign.com/9109/2011/08/redguard_morrowind-600x479.jpg[/img] [b]Name[/b]- Jackson Norwary [b]Gender[/b]- Male [b]Race[/b]- Human [b]Personality[/b]- Jackson is confident, strong in mind and in body, he will make decisions that he feels are best for the group in all, not just himself. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- Carries a strong broadsword, slightly on the heavy side. [b]Bio/History[/b]- As a kid, Jackson grew up in Hoofstead, and therefore lived closely around horses. When he was 9, he got a horse of his own. After he got his horse, Shelby, all he ever wanted to do was be around the horse. On his travels he met many people, some of which were Will and Daniella. When he learned more about there purpose he decided to join them, because he agreed with there ideals, and wanted the same future, for human, and dragon alike. When he came of age, he traveled with them, backed to their base, a small fort in the woods. [b]Other[/b]- Is the best horse rider in the Outsiders [b]Appearance[/b]- [img]http://courseimage.com/images/92537-brown-horse.jpeg[/img] [b]Name[/b]- Shelby [b]Gender[/b]- Female [b]Race[/b]- Horse [b]Personality[/b]- Ever since she was a pony, Shelby had been with Jackson. She respects, and treats others kindly, but Jackson the most. [b]Weapons/Equipment[/b]- Has equipped saddlebags to hold Jacksons belongings. Wears, simple, chain mail horse armor. [b]Bio/History[/b]- Ever since she was a pony, she had learned to respect Jackson. They went on many adventures, and he spent much time with her. To Shelby, that was an indication of true friendship. That friendship grew, and grew, until Shelby felt that it had turned into a strong bond, between her and Jackson. From there she would go anywhere with him. Because of their strong trust. [b]Other[/b]- nope[/hider]