[hider=Finn] [color=deepskyblue][b]Finn[/b][/color] [color=red][b]Lockhart[/b][/color] [@Inertia] Finn shook his head at Seth's question. "Things are going about as well as you'd expect them to be going," Finn began, his voice quiet. "The Conclave lost a lot of people. Good people. My friends. Callahan is getting bold and I don't like it. But I guess that's obvious isn't it. My question now is, how'd they convince a telepath of that caliber to work for them?" Finn grabbed his glass and returned to his booth, leaving his question in the air. One could say he had a flair for the dramatic. He watched as the man Jessica had been scoping out left, and he wondered if she had found any dirt on him. He sat back down at the booth and awaited her return, sipping on the cold drink in his hands and watching as the news continued to cover the events of the rally. [i]What a day[/i] he thought. [/hider] [hider=Jessica and Maxwell] Jessica smirked at Max as he relayed what he supposedly did to her. He claimed to have a job in the Conclave and that's where she caught him. Never heard of that job before Jessica thought before deciding what to do next. She figured that she would keep this harade going for a little longer, to see if she could garner any more info and to also keep him from blowing up. He asked her what she did and she figured she'd give him the same treatment as he had given her. "I'm a wanderer. Me and my boyfriend go city to city, never staying in one place for too long. When the D.M.A is always on your ass you've got to be careful," Jessica said, gesturing at Finn when she mentioned her "boyfriend". Maxwell looked at Jessica wondering if his lie had actually worked but he mentally shrugged at himself but he listen to Jessica's story whic he presumed to also be false. He paid attention to Jessica as she began speaking to him "I'm a wanderer. Me and my boyfriend go city to city, never staying in one place for too long. When the D.M.A is always on your ass you've got to be careful," Listening to her story as she pointed to her 'boyfriend' who was at the bar, who he seriously doubted that the two of them were in a relationship, he simply just nodded at the right times to avoid looking weird. Trying to see if he could get anything else from the girl, he began to ask his own questions about her. "So how long have know each other? Seems like the relationship seems kinda rocky, after what happened here. Having to get away from him, I mean." He said to Jessica curiosly but he knew the question would get him nowhere. He was now hoenstly questioning if the conversation was any use for him anymore. Jessica laughed at the question. "Oh sure we fight and all. But you can't break up with someone who's saved your life a countless number of times. Right now he's just having a hard time with the whole Park Massacre. He lost a friend. He just needs some time," Jessica said, replicating the wistful look of so many girls she'd seen that were so young and in love. Nodding at the girls adequte explanation, he picked up his phone and looked at the time before sighing. Looking at Jessica for an apologetic look "Sorry I have to go, someone expecting me and I wasn't honestly expecting for this conversation to be so long. Any ways I have to go or I'll get into some deep trouble. It was a pleasure meeting with you and I hope you two will make it up" He said with a goofy grin before leaving, he had already paid the bill and he had nothing else to worry about. Looking at his car, he unlocked it before typing into his laptop that was in his passenger seat and opened up a tab [/hider]