[center][b]Introduction[/b][/center] Okay, so I get it. You're in the same boat. You think, oh yeah, let's just follow these guys around, they seem to know what they're doing. Yeah well fuck off. Okay, okay, it's not that we don't wanna help you or anything, it's just that you can't be trusted. Especially not around me. I don't care if you're human or what, I'm not anymore and it could get seriously complicated real fast. ... I've been informed that we [i]are[/i] trying to help people and I need to stop scaring them off. Well ya could have told me that sooner, Edgar! Alright, so we've gotten off on the wrong foot then. Hey! Don't think you can just run away now, listen, I'd rather you would but my friend seems adamant on helping people out (though I have no idea why) and he spotted you. Some lost, wayward soul trying to find their way, right? Yeah it's a whole lot of cliche bullshit about finding yourself and frankly, I don't need to hear the story. You just want help, right? Well, that we can do. See, my friend, he's a scientist. Some would say mad, some would say.... eccentric, but the details don't matter. What does matter is that he's trying to find a cure. For what? Why, for everything, of course. Yeah I get how ridiculous that sounds but he's getting pretty close. He's got this potion, brings grass back to life if you pour it on the ground. Just *poof* and there it is. I know that's nothing human or... not human but-- Okay yeah, I see you've noticed the ears and fangs and claws and shit. What kind of dumbass angel decided to make demons look so goddamned.... typical. Whatever. Yeah, I'm a demon. Which, yes, means I was a human cursed by an angel, and no angels are not the glowy pretty things you're thinking of. Have you ever seen one up close? Six wings, two to cover its face, long spindly spider limbs, it can kill you with one look and they're fast as shit. But my friend's human, so you know you can trust me 'cause I haven't killed him. ...Yeah flimsy promise, I know, but killing is kind of exhausting and I don't want to bother with it. Anyway, we're trying to find this lab. Supposed to exist in some misty forest or whatever (who the hell builds a lab in a forest? Don't they know that cement can rot?). It's supposed to have all the supplies he needs to finish the Cure. If you're willing to stick around, we'll share it with you. No price, no catch, just two guys being friendly. Okay...just one guy being friendly and me going along with it because I really want that goddamned Cure. So if you want to stick around, feel free, we've got food...more or less, and I've got a knife that can cut through anything (you see why I didn't mention that first), so even if you just want protection, all you gotta do is help us with food and shelter and you're set. Deal? Let's face it, in this wasteland, this is the best you're gonna get. Unless you win a bet with a faerie and, just being realistic, you won't. Ever. So come on. What do you even have left to lose? I'm Carter by the way. From the city a few miles back, and if you know what kind of a mess that place is, you'd trust me when I say I know what people in this place are capable of. Best it be us and not some nutcase who wants to enslave you or use you or kill you, right? --------------------------------- [center][b]Demons[/b][/center] There are two kinds of demons in this world. The first are known as Eternal Demons. A bunch of pretentious bastards if you ask me but I digress. They're demons who have existed since, well, forever. They only appear when they want to be seen and their purpose is unknown. Most eternal demons have a single goal. It may be to see the future, to collect souls, to fuck with people, who even knows. They all seem to be on their own schedule, they're immortal, and are not to be messed with. They'll likely leave you alone if you leave them alone but I wouldn't get on their bad sides. They also tend to think of us (cursed demons) as lesser. Which brings me to the next topic. Gods this is a lot to go on about. You bored yet? Well I don't care. The second kind of demon is known as the 'cursed demon'. AKA, like me. A cursed demon is a former human who was cursed by an angel, and I'll get into angels in a second. But basically, the curses usually have something to do with... I guess whatever would fuck you over the most. I've seen people cursed so that everyone to fall in love with them will leave them, cursed with eternal sleep (what a shitty thing to do to a person), and, of course, my curse, which is that I can see people's 'auras'. That doesn't sound so bad, right? Wrong. If I meet their eyes, I can force a person to reveal their true form. In short, I turn people into monsters. Enjoy. A lot of curses can't be dodged, but they're usually triggered by something. For me it's eye-contact. For others it may be touch, a certain set of words, dreams, anything really. All demons also have yellow eyes. It's part of the 'package'. Yellow eyes, slitted pupils, claws, fangs, pointed ears (I saw this one kid with fucking deer-looking ears so apparently the degree of 'pointedness' is flexible. Wow that sounds stupid. I hate this world). Because of this we tend to have better hearing and night vision than humans, but we also look like walking freak-shows so there's that too. That's all I got so far, I guess. Us demons, we kind of figure it out as we go. I do know one thing, though. It's a rumour, but it might be true. A curse can be lifted if you either kill the angel who cursed you, or make a deal with it. There's also Edgar making the cure for everything so if I were to guess which of those three things is more likely to happen, I'd go with Edgar. Don't fuck with angels, it won't end well. Cursed demons are also technically immortal. But it's... different. We can get hurt and we can't heal ourselves. We also age as normal so I don't know what's going to happen when I'm a century old but I don't want to know. Maybe they off us at some point. That would be... compassionate. I imagine if our bodies are entirely destroyed we might be gone for good, but I've heard stories about lingering ghost-like consciousnesses stuck somewhere between life and death, bodiless and aimless. Wonderful. Oh and I don't exactly know [i]why[/i] we get cursed either. I thought it was punishment and maybe it is? But I've seen perfectly innocent people with nasty curses and no reason they should have them. I'm starting to think angels are just dicks. ---------------------- [center][b]Angels[/b][/center] Speaking of angels, if I were to describe one I would say not to picture the pretty little things they tell you about in stories. Because that ain't it. Angels are large humanoid beasts, lean with four to six wings, covered in eyes. They use one pair of wings to cover their faces, for if you saw an angel's face, it would literally burn you up. You'd melt on the spot in a pool of goo. When they come, think of what you'd expect from an Undertaker. They appear in a flash of light and before you can get away they freeze time, select a single person in a crowd, release the rest and keep that one person there. Then you're lifted up in a beam of light like some cliche alien abduction, and they strip you of your humanity. They sound somewhere between a familiar song and a monstrous chant. They have long, spidery limbs and boney fingers. Some have extra legs, some extra arms, some missing fingers or toes, or with extra fingers or toes, I've heard some horror stories. They're announced by the air temperature dropping suddenly, all the clouds clearing in the sky and a low vibration radiating through the ground. If that happens, leave. Don't look back, don't stop to help anyone, just get the fuck out of there, because that's your only chance. ------------------------ [center][b]Humans[/b][/center] Alright now humans are a different story. Most people can fall under three categories: bright eyes, dull eyes and dark eyes. See, like demons, humans have glowy eyes. However they're usually greyish white, sometimes pale blue or greenish, but usually grey-white. The colours mean nothing, but the degree of how bright they are is everything. A bright-eyed human is someone who's still got their fight. They haven't been broken by this world yet. They're still fighting and they're still untouched. Usually a person like this has a drive, but not an obsession. An obsession puts you up for failure and the second you realize your unrealistic goal, you lose your brightness. A bright-eyed person is working towards something but hasn't lost it yet. They haven't lost sight of themselves and they still have some idea of what they're doing. Bright-eyed people are the least risky to take on in our little group because they're unlikely to, well, compromise the goal. A dull-eyed or faltering-eyed person is someone who's losing themselves. They're trying to hold on but they're losing their grasp. They may be on the verge for a while before it settles into light or dark, but someone with dull-eyes is still risky. They're uncertain and they're questioning who they are and what they're doing, where they'll go next. And the finale, and riskiest person to take on, is a dark-eyed person. Their light has gone out entirely. They're not how they used to be, they're uncertain, confused and lost. Their spark is gone and they've lost the struggle they had when they were dull-eyed. These are people who fought this world and lost. It is possible to become a bright-eyes again but it's very difficult to do. It's a good thing demons can't go dark-eyed because we'd all be doomed if we could. ----------------------------- [center][b]Monsters[/b][/center] Ah, now the monsters. Monsters are corrupted beings, and they can be anything. I'm not sure how some monsters come to be, but I know I can turn both humans and demons into monsters if I meet their eyes, and the degree of 'nastiness' depends on how, well, corrupted the person is. Most monsters, whether I made them or not have one thing they want to do. Some are bent on killing, some want to enslave (these are often dark-eyed humans who became corrupted by a number of things. They succumb to the desire to complete one single task and can't break free of the prison they've made for themselves.) There are also monsters who only wish to humiliate or ridicule humanity, some who wish to force you to lose your spark, break you, etc. Some like torture. I know, it's a real beautiful world out there, ain't it? Monsters come in all shapes and sizes, if something feels wrong, it probably is and you should leave. -------------------------- [center][b]Magically Imbued Objects[/b][/center] Some objects in this world aren't what they seem. Magic objects can be any number of random things. It's mostly a natural occurrence but I have heard of people using magic before. Of course, I think it's bullshit but whatever. Magically imbued objects range from a cart that pulls itself, rocks that fling themselves off cliffs, eternally floating feathers, a stick that grows one inch when you want it to (yeah most of this is pointless. Like what would you even do with that. Oooh look at me I have one extra inch of reach, I'm so special). It could also be something bigger, and sometimes it isn't even an object. There's a phenomena known as 'the mirror lake' in which a lake is a perfect surface, but rather than reflecting your direct appearance, it reflects what you need to see, what you want to see, what you truly are, or what others see you as. And there's no way to tell which is which because no one else can see your reflection, only you can. It's really annoying, stay away from those things. Sometimes buildings are 'enchanted' too, it could be anything. This world is kind of insane. ------------------------ [center][b]The World[/b][/center] Well, the world is kind of insane. It's a bit grey out here. Some objects have colour, mostly just if they're important. It's a weird thing that happens but important objects always seem to have more colours than unimportant objects. Usually they have something to do with a person, like Edgar's orange-striped scarf or my rose-coloured glasses. It all depends. I'm going to say the world's fucked over in multiple different ways. Some places it's anarchy, some places have some loose government but there's no way to be certain of anything. From what I understand, everyone's on their own. The city, where I come from, was mostly run by kid-gangs and was more or less abandoned otherwise. I don't know if schools run anywhere else but they sure as hell didn't where I'm from. In some rural places I imagine they're mostly untouched by the gangs but cities tend to get taken over by teens or demons at some fucking point. Cults aren't uncommon, misinformation isn't uncommon, people being ignorant assholes isn't uncommon. It's all over the place. The world's pretty broken down and what exists is only here because there aren't many people who bother enforcing laws that aren't just for their own town. Everywhere is different, customs are different, rules are different, reasons for running away are different. Paranoia isn't uncommon either, this place is full of morons in tinfoil telling us we're gonna be abducted into some bullshit spaceship somewhere-- --Okay so maybe it's not always that stereotypical but you know what I mean. Cults. Madness. It happens. I'm not saying good places don't exist, I'm just saying I haven't come across them. Edgar lived alone in a lab for four years and nobody gave a shit, treated him like a recluse even though he was just a kid. I don't know what you think of people, but my hopes are low. Here's an idea. Tell ME where YOU came from because I don't know everything, quit expecting me to have all the answers. ----------------------------- [center][b]The Goal[/b][/center] So what we're trying to do here is get to this lab way the hell at, like, the other side of the world or somewhere else ridiculously far away so Edgar can make this magical Cure to fix everything. Yes I know that sounds completely insane. Wanna know how desperate I am? Because that's how fucking desperate I am. Hey if you can help him that would be great but I don't get any of this science stuff so I just keep the little bastard safe because who else is gonna do it? Some people may have their own goals. We're all looking for something. For Edgar it's a cure. For me, it's, well, to get my curse lifted. I came across a kid searching for his heart once. His actual physical heart. It's insane out here. But it doesn't matter what you're looking for. With the trek we're gonna have to make, odds are you'll find it with us. And if not, then we've still got that cure we're working towards so that's worth something, right? Whatever, I don't care what you think. But Edgar still wants people to come. He says he could use help, which is saying something because he almost never admits that. So whether you want to help or tag along, I don't give two shits either way. The main question here is, will you join? I know we're nuts but we have to be, and I know you have to be to listen to our insane story for more than two seconds. So come on, what are you waiting for? ------------------------------ [center][b]The Rules[/b][/center] 1) Swear all you like so long as it's in character and there is a point. 2) Don't fight OOC, I will kick you the hell out of here. Don't do it. 3) No god-modding/OP characters/doing anything to another character without permission. 3) Please post at least two paragraphs per character. The more the better, but don't drag anything out unnecessarily. 4) You can have as many characters as you like, so long as you can handle them. But I recommend no more than two unless you're certain you can do it. 5) Write: "Impossible reality' at the end of your post if you've read the rules. 6) Eternal demons, angels and monsters are NPCs (unless you wanted your character to turn into a monster via Carter, but there should be some plot discussion on something like that) 7) Don't leave people out entirely, try to include everyone and make an effort to interact. 8) Be as creative as you like, the world of Wayward is rather open, so if you have an idea, run it by me and we can probably figure something out. 9) If I ask you to provide more information on your character, please do so. I know the bio says you can leave stuff out, and you can, but if I ask please just PM me with the details, if I asked I probably just misunderstood something and am just trying to make sure it fits with the story, that's all. 10) Enjoy. --------------------------------- [center][b]Character Sheet[/b][/center] Name: Age: Sex/Gender: Sexuality: Species: Eye Type: (If Demon) Curse: General appearance: Personality: Special Object (If any): History (Can choose to reveal IC but give some basics): Family/animal companions (if any): Why did you decide to join the group/How did you join: Other: [center][b]My Characters[/b][/center] Edgar (Coming soon) Carter (Coming soon)