Sarah's eyes were locked onto Nefas, even though her entire body screamed at her to run, duck, hide, do [i]anything[/i] to get away from the [i]demon[/i] in front of her. But she couldn't move. She watched in frozen terror as Nefas began to unleash her magic, every last lingering trace of doubt vanishing into nothing. She [i]was[/i] who she said she was, and there was nothing left for Sarah to question. She was in the presence of a demon. And then, suddenly, just like that, everything was back to normal. Sarah blinked, not quite able to comprehend the sudden normalcy of the room. Then she heard the screaming. Her head snapped toward the boys at the other table, then her cheeks went red as her hands snapped up to cover her eyes. It had worked! They were completely naked! She listened with a giggly glee as they panicked, rushing out of the fast food place with a steady stream of profanities. It wasn't until they were finally out the door that Sarah finally lowered her hands, but the grin never left her face. "That... was... AMAZING!" she cheered, before realizing she was yelling. "Oops..." She lowered her voice. "That was amazing! I can't believe it! It really worked! You really [i]are[/i] a demon! And we really [i]did[/i] just get revenge on all of PKA!" She bounced excitedly in her seat, certain she'd be hugging Nefas right now were it not for the table between them.