Leti was leaning against Delilah's building, knowing the shy girl was probably inside listening to her music. She knew that Delilah was older than her, but it often seemed as if she were younger. Leti wish she had some extra cash, just so the pair could go and grab a decent meal and drinks, for some one on one time. But, as with everyone else in the Undercity, there was never enough. She'd have to settle for the tortilla that was in her hand, filled with what was supposedly chicken and beans. Leti learned long ago, though, that most venders lied, and that you just had to put food in your stomach, not question where it came from. As she ate her meager meal, she wondered what the others were doing, while watching people go past on the somewhat busy street. They were all potential targets, but she preferred the ones on their way home from working, rather than going to. Those were the kind of people that were more likely to be tempted, tired, needing to relax, with money in their pockets. Men were usually easier through this method, but women were more generous.