The invitation to the kitchen was welcomed and appreciated. While she saw pizza as extremely overrated there was no way she could turn it down, because pizza is pizza and delicious at the end of the day. She walked into the kitchen, lazily discarding her wine glass on a counter. Being the ferocious eater she was, she dashed to the boxes to quickly secure several sausage slices for her own. [i]Is that a tongue twister? There was like five 'S''s.[/i] She didn't need to be so aggressive either. It was ten boxes worth of pizza. That should be able to withstand a group of hungry teenage heroes for at least a little while. Right? It looked like good pizza, but how could she know? Ariel had never been to this pizza place in Nevada. It was [i]Nevada[/i], for crying out loud. "Is there any cheesy crust? Is this - is this cheesy crust?" she raised her pizza slice and waited one unbearably long starving second for an answer. She wasn't provided one so she just sunk her teeth into the crust of one of the sausage slices to find out. There wasn't any, at least not on that particular slice. Maybe it was just that box... Hopefully. Cheesy crust is delicious. Rufus then threw out an open challenge to Guitar Hero. Ariel's extreme competitiveness started biting at her, but she was so pitifully bad at the game she was almost walking in to a landslide defeat. "I would play but, I'm not anything special at it. I'm good at like, every other game though. Ever."