[@Nerevarine] [i] I thought this would be best to be questioned here, but if there are any notes you'd want private, do simply respond in PM. Concerning the Arsuron Pantheon, Assuming the initial traders in Soruli Territory stay as long as needed to allow the Soruli to learn their tongue, the closest the Soruli have to religion would be the beliefs regarding maintaining a spectrum of acceptance/respect for all things and their belief of the Sky-Eyes. [color=00aeef]Thus here are my questions: [/color] + How would you say your traders would convey the ideals to the Soruli or other races they interact with? + Do you forsee any issues with the Soruli beliefs versus the Arsuron? + Would it be seen as a good omen for them to be given 60 of something as it is Fiyam's number?[/i]