[i][b]The Cindorayi Republic, Population: 199, Year 28 IL, Age of the Quarter Moon[/b][/i] [quote]"What if picked leader weak or dumb or not glorious!?", Hof exclaims, pointing at the Cindorayi that are being used to show the voting process and then acts out the opposite of the traits used to describe Dud. [/quote] [@Elitestpotato] "Then Cindorayi are not smart for picking them." Ekatyrina smiled. "If most of Cindorayi pick leader, she must be strong, smart and glorious, or otherwise they would not pick her." "Fighting over leadership," she said, gesturing to the others, "weakens tribes. If we pick and do not fight, we remain strong." Sonya whispered in her ear, and her eyes widened. She nodded, and said. "Sonya suggests that you follow us for the Luna Celebration. It is to start tonight, in the main city. There will be much food, singing, dance, and music. You can then return to your people and then tell them what you have learned." --- [i][b]The Kingdom of the Cindorayi, Population: 156, Year: 77[/b][/i] Rajah sat thoughtfully for a moment before continuing. He was seated upon his stone chair, placed inside a tent made from some kind of woven fabric, as his guards stood to either side of the prisoner restrained with rope on the floor. "Since the dawn of time, the Cindorayi have been ruled by the Perumal imperial line, of which I am the seventeenth. Your ancestors broke with us, and scattered from the fallen star to create your own societies. I have every intention of rectifying that mistake. Before long, the so-called 'republic' you claim to belong to will be crushed under the tracks of this kingdom, and we will finally aspire to our true goal: that of empire." Kseniya shifted in her rope bindings. She was cut and bruised from the king's guards, who punished her every outburst and insult. She was of a strong will, however, and continued to resist. "I have never heard of such a thing," she spat. "And now I see why my ancestors left to the west, with such a cruel man claiming to be their overlord. Luna will bring another crystal star to destroy you and return justice." "Crystal, you say?" Rajah laughed. "My dear, you have provided me with all the information I need to know." He gestured to his guards, and they tightened the noose around her neck. He watched stoically as she choked and struggled, and when she finally expired he rose. "Bring the warriors. It is time to reclaim the crystal." As the guards rushed out, Rajah strode to a nearby stone pedestal, the only other thing of note in the tent, upon which rested a strange shaped metallic object, which bore in it a diamond-shaped hole, as if something was meant to go there. He passed his fingers over it and smiled. --- Animal Husbandry: 3/5 Wheel: 2/4 Copper Working: 2/8