Isabel staggered back after launching her axe into the demon. She made sure she was out of the way for Edicts attack, and a good thing too after the demon decided to impale himself and melt into the ground. [color=darkcyan] "pfft... coward indeed"[/color] She wasn’t really injured, scratches here and there, covered from head to toe in ash, soot and sweat. The only thing more she could ask for in this moment was a nice cool breeze and an iced beverage, preferably one with gin in it. She pulled her hood down with a long sigh, completely obliviant to others were still in the room. There were four others actually, still in the room, alive and well … ish. There were two who entered the room during the heat of the battle. The young girl she had seen earlier fighting the skeletons and another gentleman, she couldn’t make heads or tails of him just yet as he clumsily made his way through the room and asked what was going on. Then there was the girl who she bantered back and forth with before the battle begun and the large, brutish man who yelled at them. [b]”"Goddamn demons...not the nice stroll along the shore you guys thought this would be, huh?"[/b] She wasn’t necessarily in the mood for a conversation, but she certainly wasn’t going to walk away from the open bar as she noticed the man pour himself a drink. She started to unravel her cowl and wipe the soot from her face with the slack cloth as she moved towards the bar, being careful not to trip and fall like someone else did. [color=darkcyan]”To be honest”[/color], she glanced up at Edict, [color=darkcyan]”I didn’t come here expecting to take a pleasant stroll along the shore. I can’t say that I expected this but…”[/color]. She shrugged as her sentence trailed off, finally making it to the bar. One of the few things that was still standing in the near demolished building. Leaning over the counter top, she searched the bottles for one suited to her liking. [color=darkcyan]”You’re the one who came barging in here after we had everything already under control.”[/color] she grumbled her frustration towards Robert as she reached for a green bottle hidden all the way at the end of the bar. This was the one she wanted! [color=darkcyan]”What the hell did it look like we were doing in here? And who the hell are you and why do you deserve an answer?”[/color] she snorted lightly as she uncorked the bottle and took a swig. Not very lady like, she’d admit. But she was in no mood for pleasantries. She’d been yelled at, charged at and now questioned. [color=darkcyan][i]Is this guy for real?![/i][/color] She glanced at the girl who she’d seen fighting the skeletons outside. [color=darkcyan]”How’s it looking out there? I really hope there’s not much left to fight. [/color] [@Elitestpotato] [@boomlover] [@WanderingRebel] [@Tabitha Jade]