[u][color=a0410d]The Herenthor, Population:125 [/color][/u] The boy name Hmph was a man now. It had been 32 moons since the tribe had banished him, not even allowing him a chance to voice his opinion. For 16 moons he lived in bitterness and anger, but then something happened. He found clarity. One night in a dream, he was visited by a sunset red ferf. It spoke in Hmph’s language and told him that it was his job to train Ferf (the pet), and that all Herenthor will someday live amongst the ferfs and worship them as the representatives for the God of life, Threetna. Now, for 16 moons, Hmph had worked to teach Ferf the how to live with a Herenthor. Working in the woods had taught the Hmph some of the skills the other Herenthor couldn’t teach him. Soon, Hmph would be ready to reveal himself to the other Herenthor! Domestication: 2/4 Religion: ⅓ [hr] [@Nerevarine] Rffh could not believe it his searches had become fruitful! For 34 moons he had been searching for a trace of another civilization besides the Herenthor. At first it had been hard for Rffh, as he did not consider himself a leader and was overwhelmed by the responsibility. The same was true about his survival skills. Rffh reflected at how that led to a very miserable first five moons of searching, but then he grew into the role and became confident. He realized that Phamp (the leader of the Herenthor) had a reason for putting him in charge of the search. By the sixth moon, Rffh had become a leader. He left behind the blind follower he was before, and he was beginning to work on his temper issues. Rffh blinked, he would have time for reflection later, he was on the brink of making the biggest discovery in Herenthor history. Rffh patted himself on the back, without his judgement they never would have found this strange village. They had been trekking on difficult and treacherous terrain, and after five days, and were ready to turn back. As it was the hot season of the year, they felt they were boiling in the humid air. But as the party made the fifth stop that hower, Rffh smelled smoke. Finally they had found the village, and had been observing the people for three days. The party reviewed the procedure for what how they were to make contact. Rffh, Hef, and Yurph were to peacefully approach the intelligent beings slowly with their arms in the air.. After they had gained significant attention, Hef would use his claws to draw pictures in the dirt. There would be three pictures, one of the Herenthor village, a landmark that they had passed, and a local plant, this would be their way of showing they were intelligent too. As Rffh, Hef, and Yurph would present themselves, the rest of the party would remain hidden, ready to attack with their claws if they heard trouble. It was time, a larger amount of the creatures were in the village than normal. The three walked towards the village, sweating abnormal amounts for desert dwellers. This was partially due to the fact that they weren’t used to humidity, even in small amounts, but mostly due to how exposed they felt. Only time would tell what would happen. (OOC: When I wrote that there was an abnormally large amount of people in the village, I wasn’t referring to any specific event, and you don’t have to explain it if you don’t need to. You can write Hef drawing the pictures into the ground if you need to, also.) Interspecies Interaction of Inter-ness: 1/? [hr] Tref had made an amazing discovery! He found that if one digged a hole deep enough, and near the ocean, that it fill with water after a couple of hours! This water was fresh and drinkable. After finishing his tests on the matter and coming to this conclusion, he took the day long trek from the edge of the Herenthor territory to the main Herenthor village. “I am searching for Phamp!’ he exclaimed as soon as he entered the village, startling some at the late hour. “What is it!,” shouted a grumpy voice, “ If someone hasn’t died, you’re about to.” The threat didn’t faze Tref, in fact he barely registered it, “ Thankfully, no one has died. The reason for my alarm is an amazing discovery.” Unfortunately for Tref, he was forced to try and sleep the night and wait until the morning to share his discovery. After a sleepless night, he and Phamp conversed and came to the conclusion that this could be used to supply the villages with water, eliminating the need to make dangerous treks into the jungle and bringing back water that may contain disease. Soon a party of workers would be journy Tref and Phamp to choose a place that could be used to use the discovery.. Wells: 1/2