[quote=@Darcs] You say that like the two aren't intrinsically tied to one another. [/quote] Yes, but approaching it as an issue of sex an race is going about it completely incorrect. It's like if somebody has cancer that is causing them to cough a lot. If you try to cure it by treating the cough, all you are doing is making it look less ugly. You have to treat the cancer. [quote]Yes. The West. As you imply with this statement though, there is an East. (Also it does still exist in the West)[/quote] We can't fix the east from here. We've tried, it doesn't end well. And there is a difference between antiquated views that have not worked out of society yet and oppression that is [u]systematic[/u]. For it to be systematic, you have to find how the entire society is upholding the oppression. And for it to count in the argument, it also cannot be a problem traced back to economics. [quote]Okay but an apathy towards the plight of the downtrodden, who are held in that position by a system that is kept in power by your apathy is literally oppression of the downtrodden.[/quote] The point isn't apathy, but approaching this situation like an adult. If you go at it like we are being held down by easy to pin point evil forces (like the imaginary patriarchy) then you are making the situation worse by choosing to treat the conversation as nothing more than about how you are a good person. When the problem becomes economics, it becomes too broad for the tumblr mistake to cover, because at this point the "oppressed" starts to include many of the people who you would normally include in the patriarchy. And the people who will slip into this oppressed group by the end of their lifetimes? That is a bigger group. It isn't a civil rights issue - the law is giving everybody the legal rights. It is an issue of means, and the ability to access the wealth that we produce.