[hider=Switch] Name: Kyle Taggert Codename: Switch Appearance: [img]http://www.netbrawl.com/uploads/f08f2b510d86b6eb9fb9dab3299085b4.jpg[/img] Age: 53 Race: X Mutant Special Abilities: Power Switching: The ability to Activate, Deactivate, suppress, and enhance mutant X-gene abilities. Can alter physical appearance if the mutant gene has the potential for it. Works with pheromones, and he must be closer to more powerful mutants to alter their abilities compared to weaker mutants. Enhanced Body: Only works on him, likely due to a feedback with his Power Switching, it allows him to enhance his strength, endurance, neural conductivity, or healing rate. Higher levels of enhancement wears him out more quickly, and makes the enhancement last for a shorter period. Skills: Shooting, Martial arts, training, Bartering Personality: A bit of a "ladies man", he prefers to take the smart approach to any situation, using strategy and tactics to turn the situation in his favor before he makes his move. Bio: When he was in his early twenties he was approached by Magneto. Magneto wanted him to help train dangerous mutants, especially those who couldn't control their abilities, by suppressing their abilities to make them easier to control. He agreed, and spent the next several decades running a international trading company while training the people Magneto sent him, many of which later joined Magneto's forces. Not all of them were successes, however. Just over a decade ago Magneto sent him a teenage girl named Rogue. As he suppressed her power so that she could safely copy the abilities of others, she gradually stopped hating the experience, and grew to like it. Eventually, she desired the feeling of power so much that she grabbed onto Switch during a training session and took his ability. She then boosted her power as much as she could and stole the abilities of several more mutants that Switch was training or working with and left to join Xavier. Not long after that, he joined Magneto's team so that he could help fight against her. When Fury was preparing to build a Special-Ops team, Magneto suggested that Switch should lead it and Fury agreed. Equipment: P-90, armor [/hider]