When Carl was escorted into the lab, it was a bit overwhelming. There were at least a hundred other people in the lab with him. There was a sense of inquiry in him. He wondered who would be his rival, if anyone would become his friend. He hadn't had a true friend since he was given Piplup. [color=0076a3]"Pip?"[/color] Piplup had just woken up for another nap, the sudden explosion of sound, people and Pokemon alike, was a little much, and Piplup snuck its head back into Carl's trainer bag. Carl chuckled at the action. [color=00aeef]"Don't worry, Piplup, we'll get our new friend soon."[/color] Carl is as hoping for a new Pokemon friend, but there was another one he didn't see coming. As he was looking around the lab, trying to spot out the end of an extremely long line, he bumped into someone. [color=00aeef]Oh sorry! I was looking for the end of this line. My name is Carl, by the way.[/color] He stuck out his hand for a shake, as he smiled brightly. He wanted to make friends, and hoped that bumping into hi, wouldn't ruin this chance.