[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/4O5Adlx.jpg[/img] [color=f26522]Name[/color] [i]Nathaniel.... that's it [/i] [color=f26522]Age[/color] [i]25, at least as far as he can remember[/i] [color=f26522]Gender[/color] [i]Male[/i] [color=f26522]Appearance/Looks[/color] [i]Nathaniel has the body of a warrior, strong and powerful but more damaged then its worth. Standing at six feet even Nathan is fairly average in this day and age, not standing out too much. He has no tattoos but countless scars cover his body, mostly cuts but there are several circular scars that could only have come from bullets scattered around his upper torso. Finally the only other noteworthy thing about him is the burn scars along his forearms. They appear to have been wrapped with heated chains, implying some form of bondage or torture somewhere in his past. Clothing wise, Nathan picks up anything that can fit. [/i] [color=f26522]Species[/color] [i]Promethean[/i] [color=f26522]Sexual Preference[/color] [i]Pansexual[/i] [color=f26522]Likes[/color] [i]-Fire -Good People -Many types of music -Hugs -Cuddling -People watching -Most foods [/i] [color=f26522]Dislikes[/color] [i]-Swimming -The cold -Rain -Bad people -Conflict -Horror movies [/i] [color=f26522]Bio[/color] [i]Nathaniel is really old, incredibly old, old as balls. He has had many lives and many soul mates within his creation and now. However that is unimportant in the grand scheme of things because for all intents and purposes he is a twenty five year old man living in garbage. He started out like most people do, by waking up. Granted, the moment people understand sentience is usually much younger and they also don't usually happen face down in a dirty puddle but that is exactly when his story begins. Unfortunately there isn't anything truly impressive about his story, he never truly got past not knowing anything about his past and as it turns out there isn't much psychiatric help for those who don't have a penny to their names. Cast aside and left to rot with nothing but a name and the clothes on his back Nathaniel drifted from place to place, nothing tethering him down for long. Recently however he has decided to stay. There is an itch on the wind, a taste he could feel, and a sound he could just see. While they sound like the ravings of a mad man, which honestly you aren't too far off, they all made perfect sense to Nathaniel and as such has tried his damnedest to stay put. [/i] [color=f26522]Occupation[/color] [i]N/A, homeless and unemployed [/i] [color=f26522]Country of Origin[/color] [i]Greece, Ancient[/i] [color=f26522]Feelings about meeting their soul mate[/color] [i]Excited, scared, worried, happy, all of them all at once and some times none at all. The biggest thing is all Nathan wants is for his other half to be happy and he doesn't think a penniless bum can bring that.[/i][/center]