As Subject 115 walked away from the girl without arms he saw Zero and the other girl who slid into a bush he casually walked over to area Zero and the girl were in and he stood there for a second thinking about what to say to themand how he could help because he could sense the blood that was rushing out from a bullet wound he though he might be able use the phantasm to absorb some of the blood it would be very unpleasant for Subject 115 to do this task because the blood has to go somewhere. So he stood there for a minute or to thinking then he looked around his body he had a few wrapping around his arms because of some cuts that now were scars so he unwrapped some of the cloth around his wrist bit then put it back on because he realized Zero was gone so Subject 115 stood in front of the bush as Zero had been and waited for him but he decided he would hand the girl some of the cloth. [@ViolentViolet] "Take some of this it will slow the bleeding" He pushed some cloth under the bush as he kneeled pretending to tie his shoe, he stood back up and stepped away from the bush a bit to admire or as he thought of it survey the area.