[hider=Big Picture] [img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/113/1/b/pokemon_trainer___matt_by_laurelman-d62tb40.png[/img] [/hider] "The quote matters not as much as the action behind it" Name: Ren Flint Age: 19 Gender: Male Height/Weight: 5'10 150 lbs. Personality: Ren is a kind and caring kid. He is fully aware that he only survived as long as his pokemon did. Instead of becoming arrogant be wanted to make his pokemon his friends. Doing so he wishes that all problems in life would make amend. At times he can be quite quirky and bratty. That did not stop his from showing faith in his pokemon who were being lazy. At times his drive to become the best do become hazy. His pokeon care about him and will pick him up when he plans become awry. Together with his pokemon he trust and for them he would die. However at the end of the day he hopes to be able to split with them his pie. History: Ren was born in Saffron City. At the age of twelve he received his first pokemon, Spearow. him and his Spearow traveled across the Kanto region while collecting a team to take the pokemon league challenge. After failing his firt attempt he left all of his pokemon behind and traveled to Hoenn. There he took on the pokemon league challenge and although he came closer he still came up short. Now he travels to Kalos with the only two pokemon he owns but has yet to train. He plans on taking the championship here. Dream/Goal: Ren wants to be the strongest pokemon trainer. Preferred Starter: Bulbasaur [hider=Other] Magikarp [img]http://oyster.ignimgs.com/mediawiki/apis.ign.com/pokemon-blue-version/f/f0/Magikarp.gif[/img] Level 4 [u]Moves [/u] Splash Abra [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-xc1GkuBsfb0/UHhcRZ-2DjI/AAAAAAAAIag/oWRJgI27Qnw/s1600/Abra.gif[/img] Level 5 [u]Moves[/u] Teleport Bulbasaur [img]http://fanaru.com/pokemon/image/103791-pokemon-bulbasaur.png[/img] Level 2 [u]Moves[/u] Tackle Ingrain Skull Bash [/hider] [hider=Items] Pokedex x1 Holocast x1 Pokeball x 10 Potion x 50 Super Potion x 5 Full Healx 20 Revive x 15 [/hider]