As Ashley cruised down the street, she felt the skin underneath her bandage start to burn. Oh shit, that was today? It would have been better if the tattoo decided to wait until tomorrow. She didn't work then. She spots a guy waving a taxi over and pulls up. If these destiny tattoos or whatever worked the way she was told, this guy was probably the guy. The taxi driver pulls up to the curb and unlocks the doors. Well, at least he didn't have any luggage. Helping out with luggage was one of the most annoying parts of the job, even if it did help out with tips. It smelled faintly of almonds, Ashley had never been able to find out why. Despite trying to remain calm, Ashley's heart dropped down to her stomach. This was supposed to be a major event in everyone's life, right? Ashley had never really looked forward to it, but now that it was here? Hopefully he wouldn't be an asshole. Well, nobody ever said you had to form a meaningful relationship with your "soulmate." So there was at least that. Instead of thinking about the guy about to open the dorr, Ashley focused on something more familiar, the inside of her cab. The interior of the taxi was decent, if a bit worn from use. The seats were covered in gray pleather and the floor with gray carpet. [@cedric of trall]