[@Morte Angelis] Taylor looked at what she wrote and smiled. He had never tried a peanut butter shake but he would have to now. [color=Springgreen]"I like chocolate my self and vanilla."[/color] Bobby liked vanilla and Taylor liked chocolate but it just slipped out. He saw the man and his son come up and take interest in her work. She really did have talent, and he saw her at work. He squeezed her hand back and smiled when she looked at him, to let her know that he was still here. She saw her go into a different mode while she worked on the boys face, it was something of beauty, her focus was unmatched and her attention to detail had him observing her like she was a master and he was the humble student. When she finished the boy, the man was next. [color=9966CC][i]Damn right she has talent. Girl has some skills, she could make a fortune.[/i][/color] Bobby said this after the man's comment and Taylor shook his head. After Annaliza finished the man's face, Taylor read what she wrote. [color=Springgreen]"I would be honored, but you don't have to pay for anything, I'd feel wrong making you pay, especially for the food. If you are ready there is a cafe not far from here."[/color]