[@Blackmist16][@Slendy] Anastasia hid in the grove of trees, the bushes and shadows, trucks and leaves hiding her from view of the majority of the human population that passed by her while Zero was gone looking for something for her to wear now that she was already covered in blood belonging to both herself and the victims she had claimed back at the intersection. She paced quietly, long legs striding forward while bare feet tested the ground that she walked on and made sure that little was wrong with her body. Today she had moved the most that she had in the last two months, the previous days having been spent in recovery following weeks of test and experiments as they tried her limits and still found none to speak of. White hair spilled in waves over her shoulders though the voice of a man caught her attention and she strode over to where she thought she heard it come from. He was offering her bandages, as if she was really hurt, and sliding them through the brush to her even if she didn't need them. "I'm not bleeding." She stated flatly, looking at him through a space in the branches, red finding dark eyes with little amusement and clearly no pain as she handed him back the bandages. Blood cakes her arm, and she would need water to clean off with before she mingled with the crowd though it wasn't too hard to brush off blood. It was a lot easier than mud or dust, that's for sure. Zero returned after she had gone back to her pacing, a woman in his arms though she could see how dispassionate he was as he forced her to undress and tossed her clothes to 13 before choaking the life out of the human woman. "Perhaps next time you can find a nice dress." Anastasia said with a bemused smirk as she turned her back to the male and pulled the bloody dress off over her head. She was aware that he was attracted to her, though so were half of the other projects and plenty of the scientists though few of them ever dared to try to touch her outside of training or testing. It was a simple pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt, both dark colours that would easily hide smaller blood stains though they made her pale skin ghostly white and her hair flash without pigment of any kind. "Sure, why not. We haven't gone in a while." Anastasia turned back to the male, dressed and ready to continue their mission, though she figured she would need another change of clothes again soon with her tendency to get covered in blood. Maybe if she sang she wouldn't get covered all the time.