[quote=@Darcs] Sure, but it does contradict your implication that Éros can only be felt between a man and a woman, and all us gays in every instance ever are just pretending to feel something beyond strong friendship. [/quote] Actually, I never implied that people of the same sex can't feel Éros for each other. The point I was trying to get at is there are different types of love and not everyone that is trying to get married is doing it for the Éros aspect. There are plenty of people who want to get married because its a good arrangement, not because they want to have a romantic relationship with each other. For example two best friends might decide since they are best buds and want to share everything together but find a Civil Union is not enough so decide to get married instead. Best friends for life but might never cross the line. [quote=@Darcs] Oh, I totally can. What with the fact that there are literally asexual people alive right now. [/quote] Whoops, I meant that in terms of asexual reproduction, not the fact that they feel little to no sexual drive which is asexual, my mistake there. [quote=@Darcs] Human beings' thumbs, brains, and ability to speak, think, and understand is also the result of faulty DNA. [/quote] Hardly, since I do not believe the current human race is a result of Evolution. Yes, DNA is what makes us who we are down to our hair color, but faulty DNA creates bad results. [quote=@Darcs] You fix inequality by trying to create equality. [/quote] We can certainly try but there are some things impossible because of how we are. Generally we should try to fix such things but at times just cannot be done. For example a homosexual couple can never create a child on their own and need outside help so by default such a couple has to be treated differently by either adopting or even artificial insemination if they are female. The point is there are some things which are impossible to circumvent. [quote=@Darcs] Marriage predates all three Abrahamic religions and recorded human history entirely. Early man would participate in bonding rituals to join two people from separate families and strengthen clans overall. It was just a thing the Church adopted because people were already doing it-- to me that says that people should decide how they want to see marriage evolve, not a religious institution. Also, Adam and Eve never got married, and if they did it'd technically be incestuous. Since Eve was basically just Adam's r63'd clone. [/quote] Incestuousness became a thing because human DNA is strange and will brake down more easily if it combines with a very similar gene pool, leading to disease, weakness, and potentially fatal mutations. Reminds me of the old European royal families who intermarried all the time and most of us know how well that worked out, lol. Back when humanity was first created Adam and Eve had nearly perfect DNA so there was no problem with having offspring together. Somewhat quickly after that time though it became apparent that humanity needed to diversify its gene pool to prevent quick degradation. Also when you're the only two human beings on the planet, not really much choice if you want to continue the line. Also if you believe in the creation then marriage obviously, was in essence, created by God, since he made a male and female, put them together and said to multiply. In the end, in any society to expand the population it makes sense to try and encourage heterosexual coupling over anything else. Now looking at it from an Evolutionary view point[which I don't believe] there is no reason for a society to encourage anything other than the traditional view of marriage, as too much away from that norm could break it down and weaken it over time.