Romans eyes wandered a bit during the bards rambling and watched as the young boyo sneaked right into Jasmines old seat behind them and started spouting off like he owned the place. He couldnt help but overhear and admire the gall and rhobust attitude was coming from the kid. Such an ego reminded him of when he was younger. He couldnt help but give a smirk only to be turned into a low chuckle when Marzipan gave Jack a swift elbow to the rib, knowing how hard that hit was was a definate sign for Mr. Whittle to lay off the new blood. "Oohff!, geeze Marzzy you workin part time at the saw mill haulin those logs about, ive had horses that kick softer." Jack stumbled a bit as he held his side, but instantly recouperated the minute he saw the drinks in hand. Marzipan offered Roman a mug which he gladly accepted. Just as quickly he swapped over the now empty plate and half empty cup over to Marz with a light smile and thankfull gesture while turning around to acknowledge the loud mouth kid "Now Boyo, i remember old man Grover to be quite the farmer, how are you keeping a farm together as well as hold a wife if you keep harking on your chores?" Roman said as he reached over scooped the mug of mead right out of the boys little hands. "You need to learn your duties as a man before you can drink as one, damn swill will rot your brain anyway... You want to end up like ol' Hogarth over there?" He thumbed over to the pig farmer half asleep in his mug again. "Oh lit the boy be ya yancy nancy!" The Bard noticed the squabble and interrupted like usual. grabbing the mug from Roman. "I had me first drink when i was half his age and look how i came out!" Jack double fisting mugs of mead he quickly downed one, then the other without even stopping for a breath. "Gulp* Haaaah! As sweet and smooth as my lovin lasss Marzzy, another good batch." Roman sighed and looked up at the barmaid. "Will you be joining us Marzipan? Id rather have someone who knows how to handle themself... While not attempting to handle others of their own accord." Roman gave a rolling eye towards Jack as well as the obvious stare towards the newcomer looking as if he wanted to strangle the bard with his own lute strings.