Ash watched as the woman eyed him, taking in his injuries for herself. Trying to make himself seem alright as best that he could he was surprised when Vivian wrapped his arm around her shoulder letting him use her for support. He was extremely nervous and more than just a little uncomfortable but he let her continue to support him without argument. Thankfully Fennire was close by once they exited the forest. Even the short walk to the area outside the forest seemed to sap his strength. Taking a deep breath he focused on walking trying to ignore the heat creeping into his cheeks, not sure if it was from the poison or if it was from Vivian supporting him. As they walked silently Ash felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle with awareness. Glancing back behind them he didn't see anyone but he still felt as though they were being watched by something. He passed the feeling off for now, attributing it to the fact that he was trying his hardest to fend off the poison. By the time they had entered the city Ash was allowing himself to lean a little bit more on Vivian his side actually giving him a little bit of pain at this point as he tried to ignore it. The color of his face had also paled but only slightly. When Vivian spoke, he looked at the woman before looking around at the small city. It was very small compared to Gennovia and the temple should have been easy to find. As Ash's eyes scanned over the buildings he paused on one before raising his hand to point at it. "Do you see that building?" he said in a tone barely louder than a whisper trying to conserve his energy, the building he was pointing to was a white brick style building that was just about the tallest building in the city. It had a cathedral type feel to it from outside appearances. "We need to go there, you can talk to the Elder Sage there... and the sage's helpers should be able to check me out." He murmured pausing in the middle of his sentence as a lightheaded feeling washed over him, before he forced his words out. The two of them made their way towards the building. Ash watched as it came closer into view and felt himself relieved that they were almost there. Once they made it to the dark wooden door that was the entrance to the temple, Ash used his free hand to push the door open with all the strength he could muster as he and Vivian entered the sacred building. The entry room they entered was rather spacious but it was nothing in comparison to the room in front of them. The high vaulted ceilings seem to reach up to the sky and the single glass window in the room allowed the sunlight to filter in, the window itself decorated with an image of the priestess who led them. A small alter was located in the center of the room, there in the middle of meditation sat an older woman. She was probably in her late 30's or early 40's, her ebony black hair was long and straight, and held up in a half bun on the top of her head. As the two entered the woman stood in a quick, graceful motion to her feet before looking over at who had decided to enter into the sacred building. Her light green eyes fell onto Vivian and lingered there, but it seemed as if she were looking through her and not at her as her gaze appeared distant for a moment before returning to the present. They then shifted to Ash who was trying to force himself to stand straight, she noticed the pale color of his face, his labored breathing as he tried to keep his mind clear, and the faint bloodstain that came through the leather vest he adorn. The woman bowed her head in greeting to her guests her arms opening up in warm welcome. "Welcome to the temple of Fennire my guests. Please allow my humble assistants to tend to the injuries the young man has... and I sense you have business with me." She directed her attention to Vivian her green eyes glittering with ancient knowledge as she took note of the woman's appearance, quite sure that she didn't belong here. [i]"Rura... did you really succeed where most have failed?"[/i] the woman thought silently to herself as she could sense the man's aura near, even if he wasn't there. Two of the temples assistants came and gently took Ash from Vivian's arms. He looked back at the woman and tried to give her a small, reassuring smile. "I'll be ready to go soon, don't worry." He called out in a low tone. The two assistants escorted him out of the room, into a side room where they could tend to his wounds.