Avatar quickly ran projections on Voira's proposed course of action. The Krogan was now temporarily immobilized, but he still had access to his firearm, and was already trying to aim at Voira. Nevertheless, Voira's plan did have a marginally higher chance of ending with zero allied casualties, as the Turians were already close to bringing themselves to their feet and were a more immediate threat. Within 0.18 seconds, Avatar had decided to abide by Voira's suggestion to focus its fire on the Turians. However, as Avatar was bringing its weapon to bear, Donny hit both of the remaining Turians with a biotic charge, knocking them from their feet once again. One was slammed into a wall, while the other was hit to the floor, and quickly shot by Donny. At the same time, a round, likely from a high-powered sniper rifle based on the sound, pierced through the other Turian. Taking into account the new developments, Avatar snapped its weapon back onto the Krogan, which was now the most immediate threat. Shortly after Voira began her barrage, Avatar fired a series of rounds from its shotgun, first at his unwounded hand, then straight at his head. Pellets and poison-infused rounds alike cut through his armor after a few shots, then passed into his flesh. The poison spread rapidly, and the sheer volume of incoming fire destroyed primary, secondary, and tertiary organ systems. Even being Krogan, his body could not withstand the damage he had taken. Once the mass effect field keeping him levitating died away, he fell to the ground, bleeding profusely and struggling for breath for a few moments before his body finally gave way. All hostiles in the hallway had been neutralized, though there was still the matter of the Turian of which RK had just warned.