Chris appeared lost in thought while Edith was interrogating the watcher. Tiberius Smith... that name was as familiar as some of the references in his thesis, which means he knew them by heart once, then removed them from his memory when done. Ah yes - the guy actually [i]was[/i] a reference in his thesis! The young man steepled his fingers with an air of smugness. This new information was slowly becoming a [i]very interesting[/i] conspiracy theory, but as with all such theories, needed to be conveyed with clarity in order to survive. He almost appeared to be silently talking with himself, trying out different approaches in his mind while his hands articulated the appropriate gestures for these imaginary conversations. His attention snapped back when the Watcher mentioned the research facility being beyond the wall. [color=aqua]"I'm not tired."[/color] he offered, the monotone hiding his eagerness slightly. [color=aqua]"We should find a way to spy on their security scheme, to save time, even if we need to wait for Smith's arrival before breaking in."[/color] It all looked very obvious to him now - the idea behind this anomaly outbreak, the plan, and where it will definitely go wrong.