[b]"What in the world... a statue with a gem in its mouth. Kettle, what do you make of tha--"[/b] Leon's eyes moved from the statue to a shadow in his field of vision. It fled in a second but he knew that something else was there. "I reason that that statue is symbolic, maybe a key to unlock something. Otherwise why not hide it." He get up on his foot and peg. The mud would be the worst obstacles in their path. [b]"With something as fierce looking as that... I sure hope it doesn't spring to life."[/b] He was cautious at first, only moving slowly toward the statue. He moved around the flowers, careful not to touch what could be poisonous. Then he looked around the statue for anything that was odd like a crack across the smooth stone. [b]"I'll try pulling out that gem. Maybe something will happen. Kettle?"[/b]