A five foot tall girl alongside an elderly couple and a Throh and a Sawk walked the streets of Lumiose City. She seemed relatively embarrassed as her grandfather grouchily fretted over her. This was the day she was going to become a Pokemon Trainer, and would receive her very first Pokemon. "You have a change of clothes, yes?" Sheena sighed and nodded,[color=92278f]"Yes, grandfather."[/color] "And the small bit of money we gave you?" he asked, crossing his arms. His Throh did the same beside him. [color=92278f]"Grandfather--"[/color] "Oh, hush now, Horace," her grandmother butted in, "I have faith that Sheena will be just fine. She is her father's child, after all." Her Sawk gave a nod and what seemed like a grin as it chimed in, "Sawk!" Her grandmother turned to Sheena and gave her a quiet smile, "Good luck, Sheena. But please. Even if it's from Pokemon Center phones, please call home now and again." "Make us proud," her grandfather finally admitted himself. Sheena gave a smile to her grandparents, her embarrassment waning and her intellectual, if not snide side beginning to show. [color=92278f]"As long as my determination to become part of the International Police is burning in my chest, I will never do anything less."[/color] Giving her grandparents a hug and watching them walk away, she turned to see many trainers around her; most with their own Pokemon even before gaining their "starters." She felt a little left out, due to not even having her first yet, but tried to shake that off, walking over to an empty place to stand, dusting off her white sweater slightly and trying to look as dignified as she could.