Name: Erebus (Nickname) Age: 48 Sex/Gender: Male Sexuality: Heterosexual Species: Human Eye Type: Dark [s](If Demon) Curse:[/s] General appearance: Tall, thin from not eating. His black hair is flecked with grey. His frail frame is covered up by a dark pinstripe shirt, a long trenchcoat and his old dogtags. Special Object (If any): Engraved colt revolver, religious scenes depicted in the engraving. History (Can [u][b]choose to reveal IC[/b][/u] but give some basics): Erebus went through some tough shit in his younger years. He joined the army, and then realized what the world was [i]really[/i] like. After that, some tragedies befell him when he came back from the army and he buckled under the weight on his shoulders. His dull eyes turned bright with unchecked ambition, and he rose up as a revolutionary. Unfortunately, he was crushed down again, and abdandoned with a bullet in his stomach on the side of a road. After this, he switched to a nomadic lifestyle and a dark-eyed lifestyle. Even he doesn't know what he's doing now, he just knows he has to do it to find the cure. Family/animal companions (if any): He has a spider who lives in his pocket. He's taken to calling him Billy, and talks to him when he's lonely. Other: OLD SELF: - Right-handed - Used to be strong and muscular - Excellent writer - Charismatic/influential - Witty NEW DARK SELF: - Shaking hands - Frail - Nihilistic - Fatalistic - Apathetic - Constantly depressed - Enjoys murdering animals - Some of his wit still shines through