Taking an advanced tactical position behind the group, Solares enabled Shredder rounds for his executioner pistol before firing at each hostile whenever he was able to. Every time he fired the weapon it would kick back and cause a loud pop to echo down the hallway. Removing a used thermal clip from his weapon and reloading, he watched as the same Geth he had seen only a short while ago, turn it's attention away from the Krogan and onto the Turians. This however did not last long, for one of the other members of the group used a biotic charge against the last two remaining Turians, knocking them back. Both of them were then quickly and efficiently eliminated. The Geth snapped its attention back to the Krogan and shot a couple poisoned shotgun rounds through his body, along with a barrage from the Asari. The Krogan fell to the ground and proceeded to make grotesque sounds before finely dying in a pool of his own blood beneath him. The battle was over as quickly as it had started, and the group had managed to impress Solares, which was honestly a feat in itself. Standing up slowly, he placed the pistol onto the back of his armor and let his arms fall loosely alongside his body. Knowing that the group would want an explanation as to why he had helped them and where he came from. Solares was about to open his mouth to talk to all of them though before he could talk there was a bright flash of blue light, and suddenly two Turians appeared only a couple feet in front of him. Without flinching, or showing any discomfort, intimidation, or fear at all, he raised both of his hands. Grabbing onto his helmet slowly and cautiously, he removed it and placed it down next to him, his light blue eyes peering back at the two Turians standing in front of him. “I am Sergeant Major Solares Vanore, AGTSAT branch of the Turian Special Forces.” He would pause and salute the two in front of him before going back to his relaxed position. “I was ordered to protect a diplomat upon the space station but, in all his infinite wisdom, he ordered me to stand outside of the room and down the hall as if he was expecting something to happen. I have not seen him since I heard the shooting so I am going to presume he is dead. If it is not too much, I would like to ask who all of you are? Also, could all of you please lower your weapons and not point them at me? I assure you I am not a hostile and honestly have no idea what is going on here."