Running her fingers through her thin, very red hair, Kasha took a moment to stop in her tracks and breathe in the last of the salty-sea air. Truly, all throughout her trip from Kanto to Kalos, Kasha never thought that she could be rid of the smell, but now that her feet were planted firmly on land and the wharf getting smaller and smaller behind her as she continued walking, a sort of still reverie came over her as she closed her eyes and breathed in the last of the strong scent. [color=silver]"Vee?"[/color] Opening one, large amber eye after the other, Kasha turned her neck to look down at the wad of silver fur that was nestled into her neck so snugly it almost looked like a part of her except for the two very large black eyes and pointy, alert ears staring straight back at her. Letting out a soft giggle, Kasha released her hand from it's hold on the strap of her backpack that was slung around her thin shoulder and gave the Eevee a quick scratch behind his ear, resulting in the runt-of-a-Pokemon closing his eyes shut and emitting a sound from his throat that almost sounded like purring. [color=red]"I know."[/color] Kasha said, moving her fingers around the Eevee's ear to stroke the bottom of his chin in which the Eevee lifted his head in order for Kasha to be able to reach his sweet spots a bit better. [color=red]"You're just as eager to get to the city as I am. Hopefully the supplies we bought at the Pokemart are enough to get us there."[/color] Kasha hadn't ever done this before. Being out on her own was an entirely new concept except for the two weeks she spent in Pallet Town with Professor Oak and Nurse Joy to ensure that she had all that she needed for this big-leap journey. Though she hadn't met Professor Oak before that, he was a kind, gentle and endearing man, making sure that Kasha had everything she needed as far as a backpack of different types of Pokeballs, Pokemon food and a pokedex went. It was also because of the Professor that Kasha had decided to venture to Kalos in the first place. He had just received a stack of fliers that he was to put out, advertising Professor Sycamore's grand gathering in giving away Pokemon eggs and though Professor Oak had a few of his own that Kasha could have chosen from, they both agreed that the variety and experience would be good for her. A week later she was on a ship to Kalos where she knew a whole slew of new adventures were awaiting her and hopefully... a new Pokemon companion. Not soon after, Kasha found herself lost within the large city that was Lumiose City. Truly there was nothing else like it... and yet it was the most confusing place for Kasha to navigate. A great handful of times, Kasha had to stop and ask someone directions to the Professor's lab, pulling out the flier she took from Professor Oak to show them what it was that she needed when her shyness took over and words failed her which happened a lot more than she would have liked. She knew that she should have stopped to phone home, knowing that her mother, father and brother would be eager to hear that she had made it safely, but she didn't want to miss the event either. [color=red]"Later.[/color] Kasha promised herself as she headed in the new direction her most recent victim in direction-asking had pointed her in. [color=red]"I'll call later. Just as soon as I'm finished at the lab. I'll give them a call."[/color] [color=silver]"Vee? Vee Vee!"[/color] the tiny Pokemon squeaked, nuzzling his soft head into the crook of her neck as though he were trying to be endearing. Kasha let out a light laugh though her attention was quickly pulled away as the large building with twin Pokeballs over the top caught her attention, forcing her to stop as she realized her stomach was in a flutter of mixed emotions - though excitement was towards the top. [color=red]"Alright... here we go!"[/color] Kasha took in a deep breath, steeling her emotions and continued forward and allowed herself through the front doors. There were already a great number of people inside, though that wasn't exactly what had surprised her. She had been counting on a lot of people to come to an event like this, but what she hadn't been expecting is that a lot of the people within the front lobby of the lab looked to be about her age. Truly... she half-expected to be in the company of ten and eleven-year-olds getting ready for their first Pokemon journey, but having the majority of the group around her age put her mind to ease, if but just a little. It didn't seem as though the event had started yet. A lot of people were talking, there was even a small Pokemon battle happening towards the side, but there didn't seem to be any one-person addressing the group and no one seemed to be fawning over any eggs. Perhaps she hadn't missed it after all. Wrapping her arms around herself, starting to feel small again in the company of such a large place, Kasha slid back towards one of the walls where she wouldn't bother anyone and simply waited. It shouldn't be too long now.