[@Stakz] Raven couldn't help it, she laughed and she wanted to tell him all about it but she couldn't, it wouldn't help her to get other people involved in her own mess so she answered dreamily,[color=00aeef]" That sounds pleasant.... and hilarious."[/color] She wondered what it would be like with someone else around to help, she hadn't exactly experienced that before, she thought that she would like that once she was finished at this school,[color=00aeef]" We could stay around each other after this ends, it would definitely be safer than being by ourselves, you know, safety in numbers. That's what everyone says anyway, I'm not too sure that I believe it though."[/color] She looked at the fight that was going on, she thought that they were both pretty good, they both definitely had some talent for this sort of thing,[color=00aeef]" They're really good at this,"[/color] she exclaimed.