[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/50LJFDY.jpg[/img] [color=lightblue]"A sword is only as strong as its wielder's skill"[/color] Name: Sam Spark Age: 16 Gender: Male Height/Weight: 1,80 meter and 60 kg Personality: Calm, always thinks a few steps ahead. History: Sam was born and raised in Camphrier Town, and was the son of a blacksmith. His father usually made swords as decoration for the owner of the Parfum Palace. He had an older sister, who went on a pokemon journey before him. He learned himself how to handle a sword. As he grew up, he kept looking up to his sister, who became a very strong trainer. His sister saw herself as a knight, so Sam wanted to become one as well. He trained his swordfighting skills as hard as he could, and it was noticed by his father, who gave him on his 16th birthday a pokeball, containing a shiny honedge. He said that he should follow his sister's footsteps and with that in mind, Sam went on his pokemon journey. Dream/Goal: To surpass his sister. Preferred Starter: Froakie Other: [hider=Themes]Battle Theme [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vU7XqToZso[/youtube] Regular Theme [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6TC-w9om5U[/youtube][/hider][hider=Current pokemon team:](shiny) Honedge [img]http://serebii.net/Shiny/XY/679.png[/img] Level: 9 Moves: Tackle, Swords Dance, Fury Cutter and Metal Sound Froakie [img]http://serebii.net/xy/pokemon/656.png[/img] Level: 9 Moves: Pound, Growl, Bubble and Quick Attack[/hider][/center]