"Wiggly...!" Turning around, Acacia jumped when she saw her Wigglytuff slip and fell onto her back. Quickly placing her box down, she went over and helped the pokemon stand up. Rubbing the back of it, she smiled. [color=aqua]"Are you alright?"[/color] she asked. The pokemon looked sad and Acacia frowned. She knew that look from being with Wigglytuff for the past four years. [color=aqua]"Hey, don't go giving me that look."[/color] she said, rubbing the cheeks of the pokemon and smiling at it. [color=aquamarine]"Lets pick up these maps and put them back in the crate. Then you'll try again and go slower this time, OK?"[/color] "Wigglytuff!" [color=aqua]"That's the spirit."[/color] Acacia said, kneeling and helping her pokemon pick up the spilled maps and placing them back in the clear crate. [color=aqua]"How about some help? We've a lot of crates here."[/color] she said, looking around the large storage room. So far the two had managed to gather the crates of maps, Pokeballs, the remaining Pokedexs as well as some Holo Casters. Each of them were rather heavy, even for Acacia and Wigglytuff to carry on their own. Reaching back to unclip two pokeballs from her belt, she pushed the buttons on both of them and tossed them into the air. [color=aqua]"Scizor, Sylveon, come out and give us some help."[/color] Watching as her pokemon appeared from their balls, they both went to her, Scizor giving her a hug and Sylveon rubbing up against her leg. She smiled and returned the loving gesture to both pokemon. [color=aqua]"Sorry you two. I've been so busy, I may have forgotten to let you out of your pokeballs."[/color] she said. "Zor!" "Syl!" After instructing the two to grab a crate, Acacia picked up her own, the one with the Holo Casters inside it. Scizor easily grabbed the one with the Pokedexs and Sylveon used her ribbon thingies to pick up the light pokeball crate. Nodding to her pokemon, she let Wigglytuff lead and they went on their way back to the pokemon sanctuary. Acacia kept looking back at Wigglytuff, a bit of sadness in her eyes as she remembered when she had found her partner. It was four years ago, just after Acacia forced herself onto Sycamore and became his apprentice. She had been going around Lumiose city, giving a survey to random people to see how strong the bonds of their pokemon were. Buried in a trach can in the middle of Vernal Ave, she saw a pokeball. Her first thought had been what everyone else had thought when they say it, it must have been a defective ball that was probably empty. No one would throw their pokemon in the trash. But after seeing a little wobble, Acacia had practically dived into the trash can, spilling the contents all over the sidewalk as she unburied the pokeball at the bottom of it. She remembered the feeling of anger and sadness when she opened the ball and saw a tiny Igglybuff inside of it. It was terrified of her, the look in its eyes was full of fear and desperation... though it was too weak to stand or run away from her. Acacia had taken it to the lab and stayed by its side for a week as the young pokemon went through some serious rehabilitation to get better. From the observations of the nurses in the lab, she had been told the Igglybuff was hatched too soon, likely the Egg being forced open. The likely explanation then became that the trainer had been hoping for a different pokemon and threw it it away after trapping it into a ball. The cruelty of that brought Acacia to tears nearly every time she thought about it. Thankfully, the two had bonded and had been together ever sense. Though the trauma of the incident had left permanent damage to her pokemon. Wigglytuff was only half the size of others of her kind due to her under development in her Egg, many normal ones being as tall as Acacia, while hers only went up to waist height. It took some time to get her pokemon to realize it was just as strong as the others of her kind, and even now, the pokemon doubted itself when it slipped up. It was the reason Acacia had it learn Strength, to help with her confidence. Deciding not to think about it for too long to avoid crying, Acacia ran forward and around her pokemon, encouraging them all to hurry up. When they had arrived back at the sanctuary, she saw Sycamore speaking to some scientists and laughing. The sight made her smile as she approached with the clear crates of items. [color=aqua]"Sycamore, I found these in the storage. Thanks to my pokemon, I got them here easily."[/color] she said, praising her pokemon, who nodded in approval. [b]"Fantastic! Do you see all the people here? This plan is going to work Acacia!"[/b] [color=aqua]"Looks like it Professor."[/color] she said, rolling her eyes and reaching onto her belt to release her two other pokemon before she forgot. When she did, she was greeted with the same loving coos from Jellicent and a rather painful nudge from Skarmory. [color=aqua]"Hey you two, go on with the others and play with some other pokemon."[/color] she told them, smiling. "Skar." "Jell..." Watching as her pokemon all went off in different directions, she would turn to the Professor and wait for his instructions. [b]"Well, I suppose since we have everything prepared, we can start here."[/b] he said, nodding at Acacia. Looking around, he would be silent for a moment. Spotting a Crustle, he would kneel and look at it. [b]"Excuse me Crustle, could you give me a boost?"[/b] "Crustle!" it said, nodding and allowing Sycamore to step up onto it. Acacia looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering what he was planning to do. When he called the attention of everyone in the room, it fell silent and all eyes were on him. Even the pokemon who were playing around had stopped and looked at the man. It was pretty amazing, how he could gather the attention of everything in the room so easily. It was admiriable how well respected he was. Blushing and shaking her head, Acacia crossed her arms and put a pout on her face as a facade in case he looked over. [b]"Hello everyone! My name is Professor Sycamore, and welcome to my home. I can't express my gratitude with words at all of you who have chosen to come here today. Be it simply for your curiosity or boredom, it is all the same to me. I see heroes among all of you. Heroes who, for whatever reason, decided to come here today and change the lives of the hundreds of pokemon that call this place their home."[/b] he paused and placed a hand on his hip. [b]"Now I know you've all heard the recent news of what's been happening lately.. but if you're not familiar, let me fill you in."[/b] Acacia's pout faded and was replaced by one of disgust. She knew what the Professor was going to address. [b]"Some of us don't understand the role we play here in the world."[/b] he started, a serious look on his face. [b]"Some of us don't understand just how much of our success we owe to pokemon. Some of us think that the power we have obtained as humans is of our own will... but it is not. Without pokemon to lend us a helping had, paw, or claw, we would still be using berry juice to write our history on the walls of caves. Recently some people have forgotten that this planet does not belong to us. Despite the cities and villages we build every day for our people, we are merely guests in a world that belongs to Pokemon. It is our responsibilty, as honored guests, to treat our hosts with respect for allowing us to stay and do virtually anything we want to them, and their world."[/b] he paused and turned, looking out to the rest of the crowd. [b]"I'll admit even I abuse this kindness for my own gain. My research would be nothing if these pokemon didn't accept becoming test subjects. That being said, I have made it my goal to create a place where pokemon can feel safe, as a way of saying thank you to all they have done for me, and people like me."[/b] he chuckled. [b]"Now I wont go into my personal life, but I will say this. I know all of you in here have been affected by pokemon in some way. Somehow these creatures who we call our friends have brought joy to your lives. Am I right? I know I am. Though there are people out there destroying other homes of Pokemon. I dont know why just yet, or who, but all of you here are now a part of the movement to stop them."[/b] Reaching up, he unbuttoned one of the clasps on his shirt. [b]"Again, I want to thank you for coming. Look around you at the pokemon you see and keep in mind that today, you've made a difference and gave them all families. If that doesn't deserve the title of Hero, I don't know what else does, Am I right guys?"[/b] he said, turning and addressing the pokemon in the room. There was a loud uproar from all the pokemon in the room, and even the unhatched eggs seemed to wiggle in approval. Some of the younger pokemon started to run around and greet random trainers, tackling people with hugs and nuzzles. Sycamore and Acacia laughed at the sight. [b]"Okay settle down for just a few more moments. My speech is done but my apprentice over here also has some things she would like to say."[/b] he said, looking at Acacia with a mischevous grin. Pouting at him, she walked over to the Crustle and switched places with him, getting a hand at stepping up. Sycamore hopped down and suddenly all the eyes were on her. She felt nervous up there, and for a moment, she stayed silent. Suddenly from the middle of the crowd, she saw Wigglytuff run over to her. Reaching down, she would help the fat pink pokemon up onto the Crustle beside her. The reassurance was enough for her to speak and address everyone in the room. [color=aqua]"Hey everyone. My name is Acacia Willow, the girl who plans to take Sycamore's place once he's had one too many drinks. "[/color] she said, causing a few to chuckle and Sycamore to blush. [color=aqua]"This is Wigglytuff, my first partner. To me, the hardest part of this is... well, letting go of all these wonderful pokemon. I see them all as my family, and I cant help but feel a bit sad to see them all go. But just the fact that you all are here, makes me happy to know that they'll be with people who appreciate them as much as I do."[/color] she smiled and rubbed the back of her head. [color=aqua]"I don't have a speech prepared or anything but, how about some direction, huh?"[/color] Pointing a thumb over her shoulder at the Eggs perched in the shade of a tree, she would speak again. [color=aqua]"Eggs go first. People who've not yet had their first pokemon, and little children here with parents are allowed first pick. They are all close to hatching and the pokemon will be revealed in, I say an hour tops. Everyone else is allowed to go ahead and play with some pokemon that are around the sanctuary. If you have pokemon, go ahead and let them roam around and find a friend. Compatibility is important. Water pokemon will be found in and around the pond to the left. Check trees for sleeping flying types, ground types will be near the sand pit, be careful there, they like to dig holes, dont complain if you fall in. All other pokemon will likely be just roaming around or hiding. I encourage everyone to have fun. Once you've picked a pokemon, feel free to come over here and grab a pokeball if you dont have one."[/color] she was about to say that was it before Wigglytuff nudged her and pointed to the other crates. [color=aqua]"Last thing. For those who want it, there are Maps, Holo Casters, and Pokedexs for anyone who plans to travel around. Please dont take those if you just plan to go back home though."[/color] she paused. [color=aqua]"All right everyone, thanks again for coming! Have fun!"[/color] she said, and that seemed to be what the smaller pokemon were waiting for as a cue to run around and find others to play with. Giggling as she hopped down off the Crustle, she helped her pokemon down too and thanked the bug pokemon for the boost. [b]"That was good Aca- gack!"[/b] Sycamore started to say but was interrupted by a hard slap on the chest. [color=aqua]"That was horrible."[/color] Acacia said, scolding him. [b]"Ahahaha, maybe. Though its alright, I didn't see any boys looking up that short dress of- gack!"[/b] he again was cut off by a chest slap and then she started to shake him, shouting some profanities and causing her Scizor to come over and pull her off of him. Pouting and pulling down the end of her dress, she glared at Sycamore who was just laughing.