[color=0072bc][b]I have been writing this concept for nearing three years now. As I have my own story and characters within, I would love to have others... input into the realm... Sort of like a Dungeons and Dragons module. An excerpt of a part of it follows: [/b][/color] [color=00a651][i]Tyrin held his sword tightly against the blade of the enemy in front of him. The metal scraped and sparked against each other. Tyron pushed all of his might into his blade, and his enemy's snapped with a spray of blood surged into the air from the devastating slash. The enemy soldiers sounded a retreat and sprinted off towards the treelike in the distance. Tyrin yelled for his men to give chase to them. As they sprinted after them, the smell of blood and death lingered in the air. The sound of the battlefield was deafeningly quiet. No birds, no wounded men, just the ever present scent of death. As soon as Tyrin and his men reached the tree line, the sound of inhuman screams hit their ears. They hadn't even stepped forward into the darkness of the forest before the feeling of uneasiness was around. Suddenly one of the enemy soldiers appeared from the blackness that the forest provided, screaming a silent scream, as if his vocal chords had been ripped out. Then in an instant he was gone. Tyrin's men stepped into the blackness, towards the spot of the man's sudden disappearance. They stared at the ground, the huge amount of blood on the forest floor was astounding as if he had bled out in an instant. The guttural screams echoed around them, and the men started to panic. Tyrin stepped into the midst of them. "The enemy is being killed off before we have a chance to slay them! A new enemy presents itself, and we must over come it. We are the best of the best, wear your pendant with pride, and do not retreat now! Fight til your dying breath!" They roared in approval of the speech. "Kill them all!" they replied to him. Then all at once everything went silent. No screams, no yells, no growls, not even a breath was heard. Then the black figure emerged from the darkness, it's scythe-like claws glistening with a red color. "What the hell is that?!?" the soldiers yelled as it rushed at them. They swung their weapons, but it didn't ever seem to connect. The beast disemboweled the first soldier it reached, through the plate armor that covered his torso, he pushed his intestines back in as best as he could as the beast slashed at him again. The man fell to the ground, his blood draining into the forest floor. The other soldiers scattered running off into ever direction. Then the inhuman screams flooded the air around the men as they tried to flee from the creatures. "Stand your ground!" Tyrin yelled as he attempted to slash at another of the figures. The figured slashed into his side, a deep slash gouged out into his flesh. His voice shut down to keep silent from the searing pain in his side. The figures rushed his men, and one by one they fell. Then the bodies would disappear momentarily after they fell. His own body became a scratching post to the figures as they gouged out chucks of his flesh. He continued to slash at them as they surrounded him. The air was putrid with the smell of blood. Tyrin yelled as he began to run from the forest, he knew he was outmatched, outmanned, and out of time. His footsteps thudded heavily against the ground. The occasional squish of the blood and dirt echoed into the slowly quieting forest. The screams left his ears as he began to exit into the sunlight. The black figures stayed away from the light as much as they could. He couldn't see anything but their black shapes, darker than anything else he had seen in his life. He slowed his pace as the pain set in and he followed the nearest road, and after a long period of time ended up at the house of Raiya and Ryka. The few moments of consciousness that were left within Tyrin were full of delirium and searing pains as the infected wounds killed him slowly and painfully. [/i][/color] I plan on having a character within the story with everyone, as well as GMing certain things that happen. Now the concept is this: [color=ed1c24]Genre: Fantasy/Medieval/Magic/Horror.[/color] [color=662d91]Land/Area: The Continent of Karadin.[/color] [color=fff200]Goal: To figure a way to clear a great evil from the land before it spreads. (Slysari)[/color] [color=00aeef]Start: You are going to be a part of group of adventurers, you may know each other before hand or not, that is up to you in character. You are summoned by the Emperor of Karadin to come and cleanse a horror that is plaguing a part of his empire. Mount Daymon, a once cherished icon to the empire, now turned into a graveyard of tens of thousands of soldiers, countless peasants, and wandering traders. Rumors in taverns, inns, marketplaces all seem to utter the same word. [u][i][b]"Slysari."[/b][/i][/u] You are sent to find out what this plague is that is a threat the Emperor's citizens, and eliminate it.[/color] Character sheet: Name: Race:(Dwarf, Elf, Human, Half-Elf, Halfling.) Gender:(Male/Female) Appearance:(What's your hair like, your body shape? How muscled are you, or are you thin as a board?) Class:(See below) Job:(Were you part of the Royal guard, or just someone who stumbled into saving others?) Weapon of choice:(Are you an axe-man? Do you like swords? Or do you just like to punch things with a flaming fist?) Personality:(Well this should be obvious, but for those of the faint of heart, fair warning. - Are you mean, nice, what sets you off?) Background:(Same as before, but... instead just your past.) Other information:(Anything else to know about your character!) [color=007236]Classes: Cleric: You heal things, and you commune with the gods of the lands to help you in times of need. Fighter: You are strong, you like to wear heavy armor and hit things really hard. Rogue: You are clever, you get into strategic positions to stab people in the back, and you know how to talk your way out of bad situations. Paladin: You are a holy warrior, the gods have given you blessings to fight for them, but you must be virtuous! Wizard/Sorceror: You cast magic, whether it is to cause harm, distract, disguise, or benefit your group you cast it, you know it, and you are beyond intelligent. Ranger: You are an arrow-slinger, you like to stay back in fights and fire arrows when the time is right. You can track things with much less effort than most. (Now of course when it comes to magic, don't overpower and godmod yourself as being able to cast Goku's Spiritbomb worth of fire in an instant, gathering that magic would exhaust you and take an immense amount of time. Be reasonable, if not GM powers can always step in.)[/color]