Sam was late. He had the habit to oversleep. With his Honedge on his back, he walked into the pokemon lab building. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He said blindly as no one seemed to be in the main hall. A woman dressed in a lab coat walked into the main hall and saw Sam standing there. "Oh, hello! You must be one of the new trainers! You are a bit late, but if you hurry, you can still join the others. Here, let me show you the way." Sam nodded, and followed the woman through the many hallways. After walking a while, they ended up in a big place with more trainers and someone who was just getting on top of what looked like a rock. "Here it is, Professor Sycamore is about to start his speech. Good luck!" The woman said. "Thanks." Sam said, and joined the group of trainers. He listened to Sycamore's speech, and when they started about the people disrespecting pokemon, his face remained unchanged, but he made his hands into fists, and something in his eyes showed signs of anger. However, when Sycamore told them they were going to be heroes, the anger changed into courage and pride. He would become a real knight, and protect those in need of help. That was his goal. That was what he would be. As the girl finished her part of the speech, Sam went towards the crates and grabbed a Town Map, a Pokedex and a Holo Caster. He then went into the sanctuary. He found a spot where a tree was at the edge of both the pond and the sand pit, and thought this was a perfect observation point. He grabbed the grip of Honedge, unsheathed him, which automaticly awoke the sword pokemon. "Were you napping in your sheath again, Honedge?" "Hone..." It said softly, half sorry but also half yawning. Sam smiled. "It's okay, a true warrior needs to make sure he has enough power for battle any time. Anyway, looks like we can find our new partner in here. How about you scout the area while I see if I can find one here." "Honedge!" Honedge said while making a jump in the air as sign of agreement. Honedge went off to find a partner, while Sam started climbing into the tree he saw earlier. There were a few flying types sleeping in the tree, but none caught his interest. He climbed all the way to the top, then looked around him. He had a clear view from where he was looking. This would be his lookout post for now. And with that, Sam first day as a real pokemon trainer started.