Name: Daniel Kiefer Age: 20 Gender/Sex: Male Sexuality: Unknown Species: Demon Eye type: Golden yellow. Curse: Daniel is forced to experience the emotions of anyone around him on top of his own. It's a constant process like tuning in to a radio channel. To make matters worse, for whatever reason not all songs are played at the same volume and similarly, some emotions hit him harder than others. It doesn't matter who the person is or whether they're even a person, in fact the strong and simple emotions of animals affect him even more, leading him to dislike most creatures. Daniel is unable to stop the process but he can at least partially control it. If you get on his bad side he just might overcome his natural pacifism and make you feel what he does. General Appearance: Daniel is a tall and lanky young man with a handsome face that often bears a frown of some sort. His bright eyes stand out against his dark hair, their unnatural colour sometimes giving him an unintentionally dangerous appearance. This is only enhanced by the pointy ears, long nails and the sharp fangs, littering his mouth. His curse has largely erased his desire to try and look good or even presentable and he often forgets to shave. His once proud posture was melted away since he was cursed, leaving him stumped up and miserable-looking more often than not. His muscles have also melted away, giving him a fragile and almost malnourished appearance. He's not picky about his clothes and usually wears whatever he can get from the least busy shops in town. If given the opportunity he'd be choosing nice-fitting dark jeans, t-shirts with a print on and a shirt or denim jacket on top, depending on the weather. He usually buys two sets of clothes and alternates between them until they're completely torn apart, at which point he'd replace them. Personality: Before he was cursed four years ago, Daniel was an energetic and easygoing boy, exploring the world with the vigour and curiosity of youth. Charismatic by nature, he didn't lack friends but doesn't seem to have anyone close at the moment. Daniel barely remembers what it felt like to be “normal”. He is quite literally a shadow of his former self, a broken individual who tries his best to hold onto the remains of the identity he feels was ripped away from him by the angel who cursed him. His checked red shirt is a remembrance of that past and he displays a very odd attachment to it. He's since become very fidgety and jumpy, emotionally unstable more often than not. Almost every emotion seems to be amplified fivefold, sometimes leaving him a crying and whimpering mess. Embarrassment soon follows, sealing his lips and making him quiet and distant. Special Object: It's the checked shirt that he seems most attached to, and which he refuses to throw away. It's colours are faded and rips can be seen at the hems and sleeves and the fabric seems thin and ready to break at the elbows. Still, it seems to mean a lot to Daniel and he wears it almost exclusively unless he needs to be presentable for whatever reason. History: Daniel doesn't talk openly about his past and despite the fact that he's told it to a few individuals along the way, his name doesn't ring a bell for most people. What he openly admits is that his curse was largely his own fault and that there must be something inherently wrong with him. In the rare cases when he feels like discussing his past regret tinges his words, leading people to believe that whatever happened has left Daniel bitter and mad at both himself and the rest of the world. Daniel realises he'd been given a pretty decent chance at life where he didn't have to worry about much as a teenager. A chance he blew or someone else blew for him. Companions: None. Why do we meet up? He's heard Edgar was a scientist looking for a cure for demons and immediately started asking around, eventually managing to find the man. Other: - Was actually quite confident before his curse. - Doesn't like talking about romance or sex. - Despite everything he doesn't mind being touched. - Is fiercely protective of his checked shirt.