Ren sat at the park continuing to enjoy his time with his pokemon. These two were not the only pokemon he had ever enjoyed being around but they were what he brought with him. He chose these two not because their battle skills but because he knew them the least. They respected him like a master but he treated them like they were the friends he liked to spend time with. In truth he would have gotten to this city faster if he didn't dawdle but the moments he spent with his pokemon were worth every second he had given them. He knew by the time his journey was over that he would be terrified of leaving his pokemon behind for his net journey. But this was not the time to think bout that. This was the time where he should be there to hear Professor Sycamore and his words of wisdom before he journeyed off into his new journey. Then Ren realized something. "[color=ed1c24]Excuse me sir, do you know when Professor Sycamore's gathering is supposed to happen today?[/color]" He asked the first person he saw. The man pulled out a pocket watch to check.[color=39b54a]"Why son, that should be starting round now."[/color] "Oh crap." Ren said as he quickly pulled out his pokeballs. [color=ed1c24]"Return guys."[/color] He said as he began scanning around for the lab. Ren looked one direction and saw nothing that resembled a Pokemon Lab. Then he looked the other direction and found that he still found nothing better. [color=ed1c24]"Excuse me sir, where is the Pokemon Lab?"[/color] Ren asked the same man again. "[color=39b54a]Um lets see. You take the left turn and keep going until you see two pokeball statues.[/color]" [color=ed1c24]"Thanks."[/color] Ren waved back as he begun his race against time. It was not like he had never been late for anything in his life. Now that he thought of it his parents told him to try not to take as much time. Well if he were that well known for it then maybe it was time to cut back some of his time usages. Time with his pokemon couldn't be cut back because he already doesn't get enough of that. Maybe if he trained less but then he would lose more often. The best choice seemed to be eating, sleeping, and breathing less often. It would be difficult but it was a sacrifice one must make to avoid these type of situations. By the time Ren arrived he could see another boy go right in front of him. He couldn't be that late sine people were still piling in the door. Then he saw what looked like the Professor in the middle of a speech. It seemed that the professor thought that they owed their entire lives to pokemon. Ren agreed with that stance but disagreed at the same time. His pokemon did win his battles for him but he dedicates his time to being with them. All in all Ren would keep to the belief that we do owe a lot to our pokemon but they owe just as much to us. A partnership is the best way humans and pokemon can ever live. Then the Professor's assistant took the stage. She looked extremely awkward and out of place. It was almost like she did not expect to talk in front of a group of people today. Ren thought it was kind of amusing but she did get her message across like it was written on a cue card somewhere. Well maybe she was not allowed make her own dramatic speech or maybe she would burst out in embarrassment from her own opinions. Either way Ren just wanted to meet some more pokemon. When everything finished he let Magikarp out into a water area. Then he let Abra do some walking around. After that Ren made his way to look at the other pokemon.