The boy Cerise'd lathed herself onto seemed… nice. She could've done without his beautifly plopping itself on her head though. She had to force herself to not jump and shoo it away, and instead shifted her weight a bit. Disturbed at the shift in its perch, the beautifly fluttered off her head. [color=pink]"Cerise,"[/color] she replied with a forced smile. Blinking at the offered pokepuff, she waved her hand, politely saying, [color=pink]"Oh, no thank you. I just ate."[/color] This was not technically a lie. She [i]had[/i], in fact, just eaten. Luckily, she was saved from more conversation when the renowned Prof. Sycamore… and some other girl, started talking. Cerise really wasn't interested in the sermon part. Sure, pokemon were integral to society, blah blah, but it was getting a bit preachy for her tastes. She just needed her starter so she could get on with this and start her [i]real[/i] journey. People immediately jumped into action once the professor's assistant gave them the go-ahead to claim an egg. Like opening a flood gate, beginning trainers and children rushed forward, and Cerise found herself pulled along with the tide. Ideas trekked through her mind as she thought of her "journey." She'd need at least a couple gym badges and pokemon to show off to her mother, so she could keep exploring Kalos. That couldn't be that hard, right? Heck, this was something a bunch of [i]ten year-olds[/i] did on a regular basis. A gym badge here, a new pokemon there, and her mom would get off her back about staying home in Kiloude. With her boyfriend. She thoughtlessly grabbed an egg when she got to the front of the line, along with the requisite trainer supplies. Still distracted with how she was going to find time in her exploration and study of the regional flora for gym battling, she clutched her egg and various supplies to her chest. Being a short person in a crowd was a suffocating experience. Eager to find some escape, she fought against the tide of people until she reached the entrance to the lab. Finally out on the open street and able to breathe again, Cerise sat herself down on the steps of the lab. It was only then that she really looked at the egg she'd so carelessly chosen. It was a tiny black thing, with bulbous white and purple splotches dotted along the surface. Her brow crinkled as she looked at it, trying to remember what sort of pokemon had markings like this. She could feel it, just on the tip of her tongue, when suddenly it gave a small shake. Cerise jumped, leaning away from the egg in surprise. Embarrassed, she glanced around to make sure no one had seen, and then leaned back in to examine the egg, new wonder in her eyes. She hadn't cared much for pokemon before, but… well, she was just about to see one hatch. Whatever this was, it was supposed to be her partner. Almost in spite of herself, excitement bubbled up inside her, like an unknown spring leaking to the surface. A tiny, awed smile crept over her face as the egg gave another shake.