Shifting a bit awkwardly against the wall thanks to the heavy, filled-to-the-brim backpack, Kasha did what she could to pay attention to the speeches before her, though she was having a bit of a hard time concentrating as Eevee had decided that it was now playtime and kept swatting at the ends of her short hair, occasionally clipping her earlobe with it's soft, cotton-ball-sized paws. [color=red]"Eevee! Please! I'm trying to listen![/color] Kasha hissed through her teeth as quietly as she could to keep from disturbing those around her. Her request went unheard, however, as Eevee continued to paw at the strands of hair, finding great amusement in the way the locks swung back into place before Kasha had enough and simply tucked her hair behind her ear, earning a heft huff of disappointment from the Eevee. Before either of them knew what had happened, the large crowd began to bustle around, all seeming to migrate towards the area in which the Pokemon were kept. Kasha had managed to catch the tail-end of the female's speech. People who have not yet had their first Pokemon and little children were to go first and really, it made sense. Though Kasha was willing to bet that a great majority of those people pushing through weren't either - overcome by their own greed to want to get the best pickings first but really, who would stop them. This was a charity event after all. She wasn't sure if she counted in the category of 'first Pokemon' or not. While she had Eevee, the Pokemon served much more as a pet than a Pokemon which she knew couldn't be said for a great majority of people here. No, here were Pokemon trainers, young, old, aspiring, new... she didn't fit in there, so she was more than happy to step aside and let those before her get what it was that they wanted. Kasha ended up getting pushed towards the crates where the maps, Pokedex's and Holo Casters were. She already had a Holo Caster. It wasn't anything fancy but it was a requirement from her parents to purchase before she left on her journey as a way to stay in touch. She also had her own Pokedex, however hers came from the Kanto region. She refrained from taking one though, more than sure that all hers would need was a quick upgrade if anything. She did, however, take a map. Kalos was a large place and Kasha had only been able to see a very small portion of it. As the numbers dwindled, Kasha was able to once more move on her own accord, opting to slip over to the varied terrain to have a quick look around. She wasn't sure [i]what[/i] she wanted to be honest; unsure if she wanted the excitement, thrill and lick of the draw when it came to choosing an egg, or picking out a Pokemon already hatched and looking for a home just the same. Stuffing her hands in her pockets, she kept walking, further and further away from the crowds without even realizing it, her large eyes happening upon more and more Pokemon as she continued. It seemed that every Pokemon she could think of was here; save for the legendaries of course and a few of the larger evolutions. That was something Kasha knew that she [i]didn't[/i] want... a Pokemon more experienced than her. Which meant a stage one evolution or a baby Pokemon was absolutely in order. At least that helped to narrow it down. A quick movement caught her eye, causing Kasha to stop and turn her head in the direction she had seen. There was nothing there save for the green grass under her feet and a few large boulders that helped to decorate a small stream that ran through. [color=red]"Strange... I could have swore-"[/color] Another movement. And this time, a pair of eyes. They were peeking out at her from behind one of the rocks but before her eyes could focus on what kind of Pokemon it was, it ducked back behind the rock - either shy or scared of being around humans or any other Pokemon. Curious, Kasha slowed her steps as she circled the rock, making sure to keep a far-enough distance away as to not spook the Pokemon. And then she saw it. A Charmander, small in stature and shaking with the rock it was hiding behind serving as what looked like it's very life support as it's tiny little hands were holding onto it for dear life. It's eyes were closed, tightly, as if willing for everything and everyone around it to disappear and leave it alone. Kasha didn't know a whole lot about Pokemon, but she knew that this wasn't normal behavior for a Pokemon. Why was it that she was drawn to the weak, small, sickly ones? Looking down at her shoulder where the Eevee in question had also taken an interest in the Charmander, it's small head tilting in side curiously as it seemed to be thinking along the same thoughts as it's trainer, Kasha reached her hand around and picked the Pokemon up by the scruff of the neck. She stooped down then, squatting and set Eevee down on the grass in front of her. [color=red]"Why don't you see if you can't make a friend today?"[/color] Kasha encouraged, pushing the back-end of Eevee forward towards the fire Pokemon. [color=silver]"VEE!"[/color] Eevee squeaked, turning himself around as quick as he could and gave Kasha a quick, scolding look, protesting. [color=red]"Eevee... we talked about this. You can't be my only Pokemon forever. What's going to happen when we are exploring Kalos and we come across a Skarmony? Or a Tyrantum? You are [i]really[/i] great on taking on the Pidgey at home in the fields... but you're going to need some help, okay? Besides, you can make some good friends this way."[/color] Huffing, clearly not amused or liking the idea, Eevee begrudgingly turned himself around to approach the Charmander who had just taken notice of the small Pokemon. It startled and ran around the other side of the rock. Eevee looked over it's shoulder at Kasha, narrowing his eyes a bit as if to say 'this is going to be impossible' before following the Charmander to the other side.