[u][i][b]Ryann, Dimitri, Herbert, William [/b][/i][/u] Dzel closed her eyes as Dimitri’s [i]wandering hands[/i] did their work. Her wounds felt warm, then cool, then… [i]soothed[/i]. She leaned against the tapestry and wall behind her, though his hands left her body she could still feel the magic at work within her. Healing and rejuvenating her. It flowed through her like sweet honey… or [i]meade[/i] as the monk himself might have preferred. She could hear Ryann speak of her own home, Dzel recognized none of it, just as she had not recognized anything in Williams story. What strange quest had she embarked upon? She nearly fell asleep there. She yearned to dream of her own home. Then she heard something in the distance... [u][i][b]Karnage, Jon[/b][/i][/u] Zesiro looked back and forth between the two, the bodies they had tossed aside, and the ‘Dead Xeno’ holding the… [i]phaser.[/i] Zesiro did not recognize any of the names or places that this Johnathan fellow listed off. He said as much: “I don’t know any of those places. Do you have some sort of... I.D.?” the boy felt ridiculous even saying it. Holding a monster and a man at gunpoint, knee deep in snow, on a god forsaken mountain top, and he was asking them for their I.D. like a disco bouncer. Zesiro took a few steps back toward the charred corpse with the alleged weapon. “We are not just passing through. There was a disturbance in [i]the force[/i].” He glanced at Gemma. “Came to check it out. Found you throwing bodies around like bocce balls.” The longer the conversation stretched out the more annoyed and less frightened the young man seemed. As if, he could not believe he got out of bed for this nonsense today. He knelt down by the body, the point of his gun wandered away from the pair as he worked the phaser out of the dead hand. Zesiro looked it over, it looked like a weapon but it was not like one he had seen before. “What is this anyway?” [u][i][b]Vata[/b][/i][/u] The man smiled. “Welcome to MOTHER RUSSIA!” he held open his arms wide as if to give a bear hug, then dropped them. “No really though… Don’t know? Don’t remember? Amneeeeesia?” The man stroked his chin and walked closer to the pair. The three men behind him stood where they were, still as scarecrows. “Not dressed for the weather, huh? You guys look cold… What say you we find some shelter and you can tell me everything that you [i]do[/i] remember?” [u][i][b]Everyone[/b][/i][/u] They would all hear it, everyone in and around the old decrepit castle. It began as a low rumble that could be felt reverberating through the earth. Feeling it in their toes they might have mistaken it for a tremor or earthquake. The snow loosened off the higher peaks and the taller towers of the castle. The noise became audible, a creek, a cry, then a roar cut through the sky and over the mountain. Something huge and terrible and angry. Dzel opened her eyes, the urge to sleep left her. Twain looked over his shoulder toward the mountain ridges. “Well… That doesn’t sound good.” Zesiro nearly dropped his gun and Jonathan's. “Son of a---” Icarus said nothing, and picked up a crab from the snow.