[quote=@Dawn] Oh, no worries, there's to be no autohitting or anything of that nature. All finalization of death is to be done by me. Ninety-nine times out of one hundred, an RPer will be able to post a reaction to their character getting attacked; the only reason I don't say 100% is because there could be some ridiculous situation where a character is lying on the floor comatose or something for whatever reason, in which case there couldn't be any such reaction time. That said, there can be stealth employed, such as staging an ambush, but even then, none of you are trained assassins. You won't be able to sneak up on someone and slit their throat without them having any idea. And you'll never have to worry about real life circumstances causing you a disadvantage; that's one of the reasons the post order is in place, so people who are online 24/7 can't speedpost like hell. [/quote] I was actually picturing something more subtle, like one of the rooms being equipped with a venomous blow-dart of some sort, and someone happens across that, then uses it to take one person out - quick and easy kill. I suppose I was just a tad bit paranoid. Anyways, that's really good to hear. Thank you very much for the reply. :)