[@Vilageidiotx] okay we actually completely agree on most things in this argument, I see where it is we differ now [img]https://libcom.org/files/images/library/616779_507020079324280_1568464464_o_0.jpg[/img] ALSO; [quote]We can't fix the east from here. We've tried, it doesn't end well.[/quote] I actually disagree. I think the internet provides a unique opportunity for people to organize and significantly improve each others lives. Maybe I'm an optimist for thinking a more globalized society is a good thing, I don't know. [url=http://www.pinknews.co.uk/2015/07/02/lesbian-couple-hold-wedding-in-china-to-push-for-legal-recognition/]With stories like these happening, I can't help but think we can fix the world if we work together.[/url] But that probably makes me sound gay