Alright, here's the basic character sheet. I ended up writing it the way my character would have, with explanations for the skills. [center][b]Names[/b]: Katya Chekhova/"Kat Crisis" [img][/img][/center] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Personality[/b]: Her cynical, snarky exterior hides a girl who really does want to leave a mark on the world through some combination of music and activism. She tries to keep a cool head, but is actually incredibly quick to anger and slow to cool down, particularly if someone hurts her emotionally. She's gotten herself in deep trouble more times than she cares to remember, but also developed some skills to get herself out of it. [b]Appearance[/b]: Slim and darkly pretty, dyed black hair and piercing blue eyes. Literally all her clothes are black, and she has piercings in pretty much every area imaginable. [b]Occupation[/b]: Singer/guitarist for "Social Transgression," a permanently touring punk-metal band. [b]Biography[/b]: Katya fell in with "the wrong crowd" at birth. Raised by Russian immigrants in the poorest neighborhood in her city, Katya learned at an early age that the world is a harsh place. Years of bullying and, later, trouble with the law only reinforced that image. Rather than spend her life working hard for no reward, she dropped out of high school, found some people who felt the same way about the state of the world, and formed a band so they could tell people about the way of the world at approximately 200 decibels. [b]Skills[/b]: - Guitar: Mainly speed metal, but she can play some surprisingly emotional pieces inspired by her own feelings.. - Vocals: Most of her songs involve more shouting than singing, but she [i]can[/i] sing. - Electronics: Her band doesn't have the money for sound guys, lighting, or roadies, so Katya handles the brunt of the tech work herself. - Brawling: Yes, she weighs less than 120 pounds. Yes, she can still plant a steel-toed boot where it hurts. - Breath Control: When your best song involves an expletive being screamed for 20 seconds straight, breathing exercises are not optional. - Verbal Manipulation: Katya has a way of making other people just as emotional as she is, whether riling someone up or swaying their opinion. - Lip Reading: It's about the only way she can communicate after a show.