Here's meh CS, tell me if you have any suggestions or if anything needs to be changed :sun [hider=Character Sheet] [b]Name;[/b] Augustus Copperwel [b]Gender;[/b] Male [b]Age;[/b] 14 [b]Personality;[/b] Augustus, an unruly teenager at heart, has always found ways to cheat death and make himself known and feared. He enjoys the feel of adrenaline, and can sometimes be referred to as a "Danger junky". Yet, Augustus does not shame cowards, like most people with a personality similar to his would do, but instead uses them to fuel his drive with chants of rigorous support. Augustus almost always fools around on dangerous acts, the andrenaline fueling his ego, and the huge audience always quenching his attentional thirst. But, at the bottom of that crazed mask, Augustus is extremely lonely. His insane antics and personality pushes would-be friends away from a kid that otherwise has a heart of gold. Instead, depression and secrecy has heated that heart in their fires, and blackened it into coal. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Occupation;[/b] Student [b]Biography;[/b] Augustus was born in early 2001, along with his twin brother, Mitchell. From birth, Augustus had always enjoyed going after ideals and actions bigger then him. Climbing tables, shelves, and anything else larger then life to an infant. This caused his mother much stress during his early childhood. So much in fact, that combined with working her full time office job and taking care of Mitchell, who had developed kidney cancer at age 2, caused her to die of a heart attack during Augustus's 3rd year of life. Augustus' Father soon took up more of a considerable part in the family, and cared for the boys with such compassion that he was like a second mother. Yet, Augustus still loathed for his birth-mother, and to drown his deep depression he became addicted to extreme sports. Parkour, gymnastics, and other insane hobbies dominated Augustus' lively hood. His academics stood firm, of course, but this petite boy's previous love lay dormant in his insane activities. [b]Skills;[/b][list] [*]Extreme Gymnastics [*]Parkour [*]Substantial Cardio and Muscular sports (Running/Sprinting) [/list] [/hider]