(While I don't usually do CS's in this format, I like how Tokki did his/her's. Therefore, I'm mimicking it ^_^; Also, thanks for answering my questions, [@Dawn]!) [hider] [center] [img]http://orig14.deviantart.net/1d47/f/2007/022/7/8/angry_young_man_by_croaky.jpg[/img] Vincent "Vint" McCormick | Male | 27 [h3]"PIMP'N COOKIE"[/h3] (As Vint would say) [i]If a life was be to be a grand irony, Vint's would be it. The 5'6," wiry man started in a place he would very like much to forget: an union farm in the state of Georgia. The dreary existence was what his father lived through, and his father, and his father's father before him; Vint was doomed to a similar fate. On this farm, hours away from any real civilization, Vint's only real entertainment was provided by the four station cable TV. That, and the amount of marijuana that was grown and distributed to local farmers in the general vicinity. The drug itself almost became a contest between specific farmers, each wanting to create their own brand that would be coveted by rival farmers. Vint, however, dreamt of more. The TV's shows of higher life and "more than farm life" caused him to dream about going to the big city, making millions, and being famous; which, of course, was mocked by his family, particularly his father. Eventually, at the age of 21, Vint had pushed to his limit. Tired of being told what he was going to be for the rest of his life and being under the abuse of his father's fist/mouth, an explosive fight broke between him and his father, which ended him driving away from home, a shotgun's barrel blasting away at his truck. Vint then pursued his dream in the city of Miami, vowing that he would become more than his father ever would be. However, dreams don't always come true. Vint quickly found out how hard it can be for a country boy in the big city. Rejected most jobs and eventually finding himself homeless, Vint turned to the only thing he knew he could do - drugs. Finding himself in the criminal underworld, the farmer boy pushed weed, eventually rising to drugs such as crack and meth. Then, an opportunity presented itself: a meth cook needed an assistant. While slow at first, Vint eventually learned how to cook meth, and cook it well over the course of three years. He cooked and cooked until realizing a more profitable business: pimping. The cook found it easier than pushing, for his father's fists had taught him well in the art of extortion and punishment. Three years later, and the farm boy had become a iron fisted pimp, gaining a mini fortune through drugs and flesh (or at least compared to his father and this all that mattered). [/i] [u]Personality[/u] Vint could have been called a sweet farmer boy at one point. However, due to his harsh upbringing and enrollment in School of Hard Knocks, he is a hard man. Border lining on down right cruel at most times, he is cunning, ruthless, cutting, short tempered, abrasive, sarcastic and violent. Not knowing the meaning of quiet, he has honestly become his father's son (though he refuses to admit it to himself): basically, a loud mouthed, thick headed asshole. To Vint, he owes nothing to the world, nothing can stop him from taking what he wants - after all, it's a dog eats dog world. [u]Skills[/u] Due his rather interesting background and colorful experiences in life, Vint has an odd plethora of skills: [color=1a7b30]Growing:[/color] Whether it's plants/animals, Vint has a pretty solid grasp on how to do it (more plants than animals, but still) [color=1a7b30]Small engine repair:[/color] Due to the amount of tractor/truck repair that would be required, he is actually quite knowledgeable in this area [color=1a7b30]Hunting/Fishing:[/color] Since it was a favorite pastime of his father's (and many other farmers in the area), tracking, skinning pelts, rigging a line/net, etc. comes naturally [color=1a7b30]Basic Firearms:[/color] Goes hand-in-hand with hunting; knows how to clean/disassemble rifles/shotguns/some smaller firearms [color=1a7b30]Jury Rigg'n:[/color] Because sometimes, you had to make due with what you had... or because country hick ingenuity insisted that this was the only way [color=1a7b30]Awful Handy:[/color] Truth be told, it needs fix'n, he can do it for you [color=1a7b30]Wrassle'n: [/color]'Cause having brothers does this to you [color=1a7b30]Improvised Fighting:[/color] Sometimes, all you have is a couple nails, duct tape, and a glass bottle; time to make use of it! [color=1a7b30]Drug Tolerance:[/color] Spending all that time smoking pot will do that to you [color=1a7b30]Drug Assembling; Marijuana:[/color] Being around it and selling it all the time, you'd pick up on it too [color=1a7b30]Drug Assembling; Methane:[/color] Taught by the best in Miami (or so Vint claims), basic chemistry is a talent] [color=1a7b30]Quick Hands: [/color]Gotta be quick if you don't want cops seeing you push drugs [color=1a7b30]Tough as Dirt:[/color] Being beaten by your father and then expected to get up to do the chores right after will do that to you [color=1a7b30]Farm Hands:[/color] Lifting, pushing, hoeing - all of that will make you rather strong and fit! [u]Weaknesses[/u] (Felt this was necessary, due to the amount of skills he does have) [color=9e0b0f]Lack of Education:[/color] Didn't have time for school after the 9th grade. [color=9e0b0f]Just Mulish:[/color] Sometimes, that country stubbornness just won't budge. Ever. [color=9e0b0f]Country Anger:[/color] "Yew said what 'bout mah ma?!" [color=9e0b0f]Puff'n:[/color] Smoking, whether it's cigerettes, cigars, or weed, is great! And terrible for the lungs. [color=9e0b0f]Oh, those kiddos:[/color] Despite being a hardened criminal, Vent can't do anything bad to kids. "It jus' ain't raight!" [/center] [/hider]