Name: Dylan Hawthorne Age: 29 Gender: Male/Female Appearance: [url=]Dylan[/url] & [url=]Shezow[/url] Method of Travel: [url=]Shehicle/She-C-10/SS She-Shell[/url] Powers: Super Sonic Shriek: SheZow is able to throw his/her voice at a high rate and pitch. Heavy Handed Super She-Slap: SheZow's hand is able to swell up to a large size, being able to smack away his/her enemies. Super Speed: Grants SheZow to be faster than the worlds speediest race car, also allows SheZow to save the day in a nick of time. She-SP: This power allows SheZow to know when there is danger. Flight Wind Winkers: SheZow's eyelashes can grow to a large state, being able to blow away enemies. Animal Communication: SheZow is able to communicate with animals. Super Strength: Allows SheZow to pick up objects, weapons, vehicles, and buildings with a heavy weight with ease. Beautility Belt: an arsenal of super technology, that is able to hold SheZow's weapons. *Vanishing Cream: SheZow can use the vanishing cream to disappear. *Laser Lipstick: A laser sword that is disguised as a tube of lipstick. *Boomerang Brush: An un-ordinary brush that can be used as a boomerang. *Insect She-Pellent: Can fight off bugs/insects. *Ballistic Fishnets: An orb that explodes into a net to capture enemies. *Mega She-Zow Super Umbrella: An umbrella that can reflect attacks. *Rope In A Can: SheZow uses this weapon to tie up enemies. *Compact Communicator *Mega Mascara Whiplash: A whip. *Turbo tweezers: Allows SheZow to pluck any civilian and/or enemy from harms way. *Clippers of Courage Personality: Dylan is kind of shy and introverted and not very confident in himself. He is constantly plagued by insecurities and self-doubts, he can never commit to anything in the fear that he will fail. He is somewhat liked by people but they tend to look at him rather condescendingly and woman tend to friendzone him. He is nervous around other people and social situations because he is always afraid that people are judging him. He is a born follower. Starting World: [url][/url] Backstory: Dylan works a crappy job he hates with all of his heart, but it was a job that required next to nothing out of him, just stocking shelves and not pissing off people. Dylan always takes the bus to work; he usually falls asleep on the bus. One day the bus was sucked into an extra dimensional portal and crashes killing a bunch of people on the bus and in the bus' path. Of the passengers on board Dylan was the only survivor. He crawled out of the bus; at first he doesn't even recognize a difference between realities. As he laid on the sidewalk in a barely unconscious state he find a weird ring on the sidewalk. He grabbed it and put it on; he figured he could get some money for it. While in the hospital the sister of the previous owner of the ring came looking for her brother. Nobody recognized the description she gave of him but they recognized the description of the ring. She demanded the ring from Dylan the minute she saw he wasn't her brother. Dylan meekly handed over the ring. She tried using it but it wouldn't work for her. She reluctantly had Dylan try to activate it, to her chagrin it worked for him. Which deeply sadden her, that meant her brother was dead. Once Dylan left the hospital with the help of Kelly the sister of the previous ring owner and Sheila an acid togued super computer A.I. Dylan became the new Shezow. After a disastrous fight in which Shezow ran away screaming, Sheila was forced to deal with Dylan's wimpy loser personality, Shelia implanted a more assertive personality that would actual stay and fight.