Here's my CS! Please notify me if there's anything wrong with it. [hider=Sophia Hale][img][/img] Name(s): Sophia "Sophie" Hale Gender: Female Age: 15 Personality: Sophia is a quiet girl who only speaks out where she feels necessary. Due to having a limited amount of social interaction outside of her family, she's very timid around strangers. At times she's mistakened to have a haughty and arrogant attitude because of her family's status, however she quietly overlooks those judgements and allows for rumors to be spread. In other words, she holds little concern for how she appears to others. Appearance: Pale skin from a lack of sunlight and a petite build. Sophie has a frail body from living a sheltered life away from any harm. Her immune system is slightly weaker so she catches colds often. Occupation: Home-schooled student Biography: Sophia is a basic, sheltered rich-girl. Her doting parents have never allowed a stranger to inch less than 5 feet of her let alone speak to her. Her father owns a flourishing law firm and her mother conducts an orchestra. Because of their status as a prosperous family, Sophie was always held to high standards - which included academics. Although she was nothing close to being named a prodigy, she still maintained above-average grades in her home-schooled class. Influence from her mother pushed Sophie to learn how to play an instrument. Eventually one led to another and as time passed, she learned to play as many as 9 different instruments. So even if her academics didn't push through, Sophie would still be able to carry her family's weight through her alternate talent. Skills: Remarkable memory, concentration (more focus, less panic in situations), and heightened listening. Also an increased aerobic capacity from playing multiple wind and brass instruments.[/hider]