-In her words- [i] 2 years before the war… everyone seemed to be happy and content, our patron saint was the goddess of music herself, we always enjoyed our music and everyone blessed her well… then they came… them monstrous soldiers from an opposing kingdom, it was strange because we are a very harmless kingdom… The war started from there, and that was when I was blessed… [/i] -Now- Miah was busy getting everything ready for her recruitment, as this was the most strangest day, she was asked by the most important guard; the head guard to be recruited as she was one of the blessed ones. She knows that her powers of music will be effective in this war but she also knows that it won’t work by herself, so she will be happy when she will meet the others that are ‘blessed’ like her. While waiting in the recruitment line she notices its her turn for the recruitment and explains everything to the recruiting soldier so he could write it on his scroll. Today was going to be a very long day, she didn’t even want to know what to do when it comes to training, she doesn't like the fact that this queue will most likely last a few days either. Although Miah knows that this will be a good time to practice her powers for a few days, sneaking into the training area without anyone noticing she brought out her weapon, the sleigh bells which she so loved and adored; beginning to allow their jingling noises to come into effect. Once into the beat of her jingling she started casting her air magic, allowing the air to breeze through her hair and clothing.