WIP • Name: Akapazo • Age: 26 • Gender: male • Appearance: [img]http://i.ytimg.com/vi/9Wmy33_24Rg/hqdefault.jpg[/img] • Method of Travel: He uses a magical [url=http://previews.123rf.com/images/dimedrol68/dimedrol681207/dimedrol68120700011/14534489-Medallion-engraved-with-the-Mayan-calendar-on-a-white-background-Stock-Photo.jpg]Amulet[/url] that allows him to traverse the multiverse, it was a gift given to him by his gods. • Powers: As the demigod son of Quetzalcoatl, Akapazo's body and senses are twelve times stronger and faster than an Olympic athlete. His main power is the ability to manipulate light and create beams of incredible heat. The light can also be made solid to be used as concussive force. Akapazo is also able to fly at supersonic speeds and has a superhuman knowledge of astrology. He has a magical [url=http://xbidit.com/photos/photos_240_1.jpg]macuahuitl[/url] that has obsidian that will repair if broken. He also has a spear for when he wants to use a ranged attack and it will come back to him if he wills it. Despite all of his great powers they do come with a draw back, they require him to drink the blood of sentient beings to replenish his strength. • Personality: Akapazo is a man from a different time when things were more brutal and honored ruled the day. A hard life made him tougher and stronger. He has a will of pure steel. To others from a more modern period Akapazo looks like a violent brute, but he is of noble blood and the son of a god. He by blood alone has more worth than weak mortals of the modern day. He looks on modern man with contempt and views them as weak shadows of their ancient glory. • Starting World: Ancient Earth • Backstory: Akapazo was born in the year 3385 BC to the ancient Mecaza civilization of central America. Unlike most peoples of the continent at the time, they were advanced and their knowledge in the astrology and the power of the gods gave them great influence over other central American cultures at the time. Because of this their civilization flourished and their empire spread. Akapazo's birth was special do him being the demigod son of the power and wise Quetzalcoatl who was one of their most honored and revered gods. From an early age he displayed great power and was considered a chosen warrior of his people. His skill in warfare led his people to many victories over their enemies and his name became legend among his fellow Mecazas. Eventually he was approached by his father and told of the war in the multiverse and informed him that he had a task for him. Agreeing to his father's task Akapazo was given an amulet that transported him from his home through time and space to other worlds.